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Dante essay

Dante essay

All this meetings are presupposed by the life of Dante the Traveler, dante essay. The Dante essay are yet to conquer the horror to realize spiritual victory. Madrigal, D. Thus, while the Church can bring back faith, fraud and treachery as understood by Dante cannot be forgotten. WORKS CITED Carson, dante essay, Ciaran. She is amazing! The term of "mid-life crisis" was originally coined by Jaques who claimed that people encounter a crisis as they realize their own mortality and a change in time frame from "time….

Dante’s Divine Comedy Summary

Paper Types. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. Dante essay the dark and religious world of Dante, the Divine Comedy is written to help people make sense of life, death, punishment and sin. Through his eyes, the reader can see people who sinned, dante essay, were punished and died. The scenes of Inferno are full of suffering, limitations and regret. However, he also states that men can be lost, dante essay, God is there to show the way through other people, dante essay, but one needs to listen to their inner voice. This inner voice, for Dante is Virgil, who shows him around different parts of the after-world. Men would be put into either hell, dante essay, purgatory or heaven, based on the life they lived.

People choose to commit crime, do wrong for others, and therefore they have to suffer through either purgatory, or in the case of more serious sins Hell, of which there is no escape. The free will of humans makes them vulnerable, dependent and prone to giving up for sin. They can either live in Paradise forever, suffer in Purgatory or are sentenced for Hell: a death that has no end. He never gives up hope, dante essay, but humans often turn their back on him and stop listening to the voices of divine wisdom. He gives people a chance to turn back to him, but after they miss this chance, justice needs to be made. Everyone is judged based on what they did in life: their actions, sins and failures. There are different stages of sinful life: all people are put into the circle of Hell that they most deserve.

These are people who would not take a stand to fight against Lucifer with God. Angry, dante essay and greedy people are also here, alongside with infants died without being baptized. When we look at the Odyssey, dante essay, the similarity of scenes, descriptions, even punishments is dante essay. Still, according to Dante, dead people, who are already in the after-life know more about the meaning of human existence than those who live now. That is the reason he sets off a quest to an unknown and powerful world.

Using Virgil, who is a role model, a person who lived before Christianity, however, takes away some of the Catholic Church influences from the poem. The three types of beasts are depicted as the enemies and helpers of the soul, discovery and wisdom: the leopard representing self-indulgence, the lion as fraud and the greyhound bringing new perspectives, knowledge and wisdom. It is depicted as something that makes all the gates that lead back to human life close. Death is the way towards after-life, dante essay, which can be eternal suffering, temporary suffering or eternal life. This depiction of death is in line with the dante essay of medieval Church, dante essay, and has the same scenes featured that are present in the Book of Apocalypse and contemporary Dante essay writing.

Death, however, is also a higher level of life and being: delivers more knowledge, wisdom and supports intellect. Divine wisdom can be understood after death: relating to the writing of other writers in the same century. The meaning of death is, dante essay, however, not only judgment, but also a chance for reconciliation with the Divine Wisdom. The book of Dante does depict the scenes of prophecies detailed in the Bible, through the eyes of an intellectual, thinking and searching poet, dante essay. He takes the readers on a quest to search for the meaning of life, death and sin. The revelations of the poem are present in the border of consciousness and unconsciousness, as Dante states:. Dante, dante essay, Aligheri The Divine Comedy. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication, dante essay. Criminal Justice Assignment, Essay Example, dante essay. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail. Thank you! You can receive the notifications now. It's pleasure to dante essay in touch! Show all. Paper Types Movie Review Essay Admission Essay Annotated Bibliography Dante essay Essay Article Critique Article Review Article Writing Assessment Book Review Business Plan Business Proposal Capstone Project Case Study Coursework Cover Letter Creative Essay Dissertation Dissertation - Abstract Dissertation - Conclusion Dissertation - Discussion Dissertation - Hypothesis Dissertation - Introduction Dissertation - Literature Dissertation - Methodology Dissertation - Results GCSE Coursework Grant Proposal Interview Lab Report Marketing Plan Multiple Choice Quiz Dante essay Personal Statement Poem Power Point Presentation Power Point Presentation With Speaker Notes Questionnaire Reaction Paper Research Paper Research Proposal Speech SWOT analysis Term Paper Dante essay Paper Online Quiz Resume Outline Literature Review Movie Analysis Statistics problem Math Problem Article.

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Still, according to Dante, dead people, who are already in the after-life know more about the meaning of human existence than those who live now. That is the reason he sets off a quest to an unknown and powerful world. Using Virgil, who is a role model, a person who lived before Christianity, however, takes away some of the Catholic Church influences from the poem. The three types of beasts are depicted as the enemies and helpers of the soul, discovery and wisdom: the leopard representing self-indulgence, the lion as fraud and the greyhound bringing new perspectives, knowledge and wisdom. It is depicted as something that makes all the gates that lead back to human life close. Death is the way towards after-life, which can be eternal suffering, temporary suffering or eternal life.

This depiction of death is in line with the teachings of medieval Church, and has the same scenes featured that are present in the Book of Apocalypse and contemporary Christian writing. Death, however, is also a higher level of life and being: delivers more knowledge, wisdom and supports intellect. Divine wisdom can be understood after death: relating to the writing of other writers in the same century. The meaning of death is, however, not only judgment, but also a chance for reconciliation with the Divine Wisdom. The book of Dante does depict the scenes of prophecies detailed in the Bible, through the eyes of an intellectual, thinking and searching poet. He takes the readers on a quest to search for the meaning of life, death and sin.

The revelations of the poem are present in the border of consciousness and unconsciousness, as Dante states:. Dante, Aligheri The Divine Comedy. Translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. A Penn State Electronic Classics Series Publication. Criminal Justice Assignment, Essay Example. Need a professionally written Custom Essay? Right now, you can get a professionally written essay in any discipline with a. We're now sending you a link to download your e-book, please check your e-mail. Thank you! You can receive the notifications now.

It's pleasure to stay in touch! Show all. He is confused and does not know how he got there:. Dante is the protagonist and main character of all three parts of the poem. His journey is an autobiographical portrayal where he includes many of his enemies and historical figures of the past to all intervene in a complicated world of Heaven and Hell. When he goes through the circles of Hell, he is often portrayed as having pity and compassion for the sinners. He realizes that they are guilty of their sins, but he still believes in the good in them and finds their suffering devastating. He is also terrified by all the horrors he encounters in Inferno and seems a little frightened.

Though, Dante is very curious, so he attempts to talk with a lot of the sinners along his way. In the forest, he sees a mountain nearby and tries to climb it, but his path is blocked by a lion, a leopard, and a wolf. A spirit of Virgil, an Ancient Roman poet whose major work is titled Aenid, comes to help him get through this obstacle and lead him through Inferno and Purgatorio to Heaven. Virgil is a brave and courageous soul. He represents human reason and wisdom acquired throughout the ages. On their journey through Inferno they meet many beasts and scary creatures, but Virgil stands up to each and every one one of them.

He is also incredibly smart and intelligent; he can trick any creature into helping them because he is a gifted speaker. He is a good friend as he supports Dante and comforts him when he feels scared or uneasy about the challenges he faces throughout Inferno and Purgatorio. Virgil understands that Dante and his fate are dependent on him. Despite this, he is fair to Dante, scolds him when he gets too soft, and pities the sinners a little too much. He encourages him to be strong and brave:. Virgil was sent to help Dante by Beatrice, his beloved. Her character was inspired by a real woman, also named Beatrice, whom Dante met when he was a child and instantly fell in love with.

Unfortunately, she died when she was only Dante wrote many beautiful poems dedicated to her, praising her beauty and love. Dante and Virgil approach the entrance to Inferno and see a group of souls whose fate will later be determined, as it is not clear whether there is more bad or good they have committed. In order to get to Hell, one must cross the river Acheron. Charon is an old man who takes souls across the river. When they enter Inferno, they see an inscription on its gate:. The first circle consists not of sinners, but people who are not baptized; either they lived before Christ when baptism had not yet spread, or they never got baptized.

They reside in a castle with seven gates, symbols of the seven virtues. Technically, it is an inferior form of Heaven where pagans are stuck and punished for eternity. Here, Dante and Virgil meet many Greek and Roman philosophers, poets, and artists, such as Homer, Ovid, Socrates, Cicero, and even Julius Cesar. Virgil is one of them, which he explains in the following quote:. The second circle has a more traditional appearance of Hell. It is dark, full of screaming noises, and suffering. Near the entrance to the second circle stands Minos, a huge beast who decides where souls should be sent for torment.

The second circle holds people who were lustful throughout their lives. They are punished by strong winds blown over them, throwing them back and forth. These winds symbolize the restlessness and instability of people guilty of lust. Dante and Virgil notice many people of Greek and Roman antiquity, mythology and history—such as Cleopatra, Tristan, and Helen of Troy. Among other sinners punished for lust, they meet the souls of Paolo and Francesca da Rimini—a couple condemned to Hell for their adultery and numerous love affairs. Francesca explains:. Dante, so touched and devastated by their story, faints. When he wakes, he realizes that he has already arrived in the third circle of Hell. In the third circle of Hell, Dante and Virgil encounter souls whose sin is gluttony. A worm-monster, Cerberus, watches over them.

They are punished with icy, slushy rain that pours all over them without stopping. They are not permitted to stand, so the slushy water covers their entire body as they lie. The slushy rain is a symbol of personal destruction and the inability to stop eating. People who are in this circle of Inferno have weak will and cannot resist the earthly pleasures of indulgence—food and drinks. Here, the protagonist meets the soul Ciacco, his political opponent from Florence. Send us your write my essay request to get professional writing help. Here, the sinners are divided into two groups: those who hoarded their possessions, and those who spent sumptuously. Their punishment is to push very heavy weights up a mountain—mostly boulders, which symbolize their lust for never-ending money and possessions.

There, Dante recognizes many people he is familiar with, such as clergymen, popes, and cardinals—all of whom have been greedy throughout their lifetime. In this circle of hell, Dante and Virgil encounter people who are guilty of wrath and fury. Those found guilty of being angry and impatient are immersed in the river Styx, or simply are forced to fight among each other on its surface. They gurgle the water of the river, struggle, and drown. The water is made up of a black toxic liquid and they are left there to suffer. Dante encounters another political enemy of his, Filippo Argenti, who confiscated his possessions when he was banished from Florence.

He tries to climb up into a boat, but gets pushed away. Phlegyas is the boatman who helps Dante and Virgil get across this river. They are stopped by a group of fallen angels. Furies threatens to summon Medusa so that she can turn Dante into stone, because he does not belong in the world of the dead. An angel arrives and opens the gate for them before Medusa is able to get to them. The sixth circle of Inferno is for heretics — people who have contrary opinions to Christian beliefs. There, they lie in tombs that burn them alive. Dante talks with Farinata degli Uberti, a political leader and his contemporary, who did not believe in God.

He also sees Epicurus, Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II, and Pope Anastasius II. The passage to the seventh circle is blocked by a Minotaur—half-man, half-bull. As elucidated in the paragraph above, each punishment correlates with the depravity of the sin committed. This form of correspondence is a way for the sinner to be identified for their sin. After a while it becomes quite apparent to the reader which sinner belongs in each circle. It would be simple to only recognize each sin correlated with each circle, but I believe Inferno has much more than to instill than just arriving upon that basic realization. Auden compares this type of anger of those who hate Nazis.

I, too, can relate because I also hate Nazis. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Dante's Inferno Essay. Dante's Inferno Essay Words 5 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Read More. Words: - Pages: 5. Character Analysis Of Dimmesdale In The Song 'Let Na's Down' As Dimmesdale is holding in his secret, his sin is killing him on the inside like feeling satan 's wrath.

Uppsatsämnen för vapenkontroll

Uppsatsämnen för vapenkontroll

Här måste du beskriva och förklara allt det som din läsare kanske inte förstår. Att skriva om U. Vapenkontrollen minskar ämnen för vapenkontroll medborgarnas förmåga att skydda sig själva. Trots kritiskt motsatta idéer som republikaner och demokrater har angående vapenpolitik, hittar de några kontaktpunkter i denna fråga. Anställ författare.

Saker att tänka på när du skriver en vapenkontrolluppsats

Efter den senaste tidens hjärtskärande masskjutningar har vapenkontrolldebatten nått sin kokpunkt. Behöver vi strängare vapenkontrolllagar? Ska alla skaffa ett vapen för att motverka brott? Eller bör vapen förbjudas överlag? Du har möjlighet att vädra din åsikt i en vapenkontrollargumenterande uppsats. Kolla tunga argument, catchy vapenkontrolluppsatstitlar och de senaste källorna om ämnet. Med den kan du få din vapenkontrolluppsats klar ämnen för vapenkontroll Några timmar. Visste du att 33 människor dödas med vapen varje dag i Amerika?

Det här är ett av siffrorna du kan använda i din uppsats om vapenkontroll. Är du redo att lära dig fler skäl både för och emot vapenkontroll? Här är de, i ett nötskal:. Nu har du redan gedigen bakgrundskunskap i frågan. Informationen ovan hjälper dig att skriva en enastående uppsats om vapenkontroll. Dessutom kan du enkelt ämnen för vapenkontroll det använder grammatik och undvik vanliga grammatikmisstag. Vapeninnehav är en rättighet som är inskriven i USA:s konstitution. Ändå uttrycker fler och fler människor sin oro över att äga skjutvapen. Massskjutningar, självmord och övergrepp är bland de främsta argumenten för ämnen för vapenkontroll lagar. I fall som prostitution och droganvändning är de till och med skadliga. Men gäller detta resonemang även för vapenkontroll? Ta reda på det genom att diskutera dess nackdelar med en ämnen för vapenkontroll följande engagerande uppmaningar:.

Vi kommer att skriva en skräddarsydd uppsats specifikt för dig! Våld med skjutvapen har utvecklats till en betydande människorättsfråga. Det påverkar vår rätt till liv och hälsa. Inte bara det, utan det kan också begränsa vår tillgång till utbildning. Vapenvåld stör skolans processer och äventyrar elevernas säkerhet. En uppsats om denna fråga ger dig många olika riktningar att utforska, ämnen för vapenkontroll. Vapenlagar är avgörande för att säkerställa säker hantering och köp av skjutvapen. Reglerna kommer från ämnen för vapenkontroll såväl statlig nivå. Det gör vapenlagarna förvirrande för många. Det finns få ämnen som är mer kontroversiella än vapenkontroll. Kontroverser kring vapenkontroll inkluderar frågor om ras, kön och etik.

För- och nackdelar med vapenkontroll har diskuterats och analyserats grundligt otaliga gånger. Både förespråkare och motståndare har hållit fast vid sina ståndpunkter och lämnat frågan olöst. Här är några viktiga för- och nackdelar:. Vilken sida du än väljer, nu har du redan några övertygande argument. Att skriva en imponerande uppsats om vapenkontroll kan vara lite svårt utan ordentlig organisation. Som du kan se tar det tid och ansträngning att skriva en imponerande uppsats om vapenkontroll, ämnen för vapenkontroll. Det kräver också djup forskning. För att skapa en bra titel, ämnen för vapenkontroll, du bör uttrycka din åsikt på ett kortfattat och iögonfallande sätt. Försök att sminka ämnen för vapenkontroll ovanlig nyckelordskombination, eller parafrasera en metafor eller ett uppsättningsuttryck.

Att använda två motsatta idéer fungerar bra, ämnen för vapenkontroll, för. Om du vill väcka en diskussion måste du göra ett välgrundat ställningstagande. För en bra debattuppsats, se till att noggrant studera ämnet. En lista med för- och nackdelar hjälper dig att få en djupare insikt. Bestäm sedan var du står innan du börjar skriva. Bra övertygande ämnen väcker känslor. Ett bra ämne för en uppsats är en fråga som berör nästan alla i samhället. Till exempel kan vapenkontroll eller djurförsök vara bra ämnen för högskoleuppsatser. Bra avhandlingsutlåtanden ger en tydligt formulerad åsikt. Du måste ange om du är för eller emot vapenkontroll. Jag gillar verkligen den här artikeln dock! Grace, kul att du gillade artikeln! Min åsikt om jag får är att vapen bör vara i händerna på brottsbekämpande och militär.

Om en person vill ha en pistol som skydd behöver de bara ringa sin mobil eller fasta telefon om en person är rädd för att vidta åtgärder som är många, för att säkerställa att dina säkerhetsvapen dödar människor och det har varit alldeles för många oskyldiga människor som dött! Fotbollsspel skolor kyrkor konserter utomhusaktiviteter och eller inomhusaktiviteter platser nästan var som helst och människor i fara det är hemskt. Vad har blivit av civilisationen där människor går i sin oskyldiga vardag och blir dödade!!!!! Vad är det för fel på den här bilden? För många år sedan behövde amerikanska medborgare inte leva i sådan fara som det är idag, regeringen gör ingenting inklusive NRA. Kongressen gör ingenting, tyvärr lever vi i en farlig och flyktig värld och något måste göras åt detta för att förhindra oskyldiga barn och vuxna från farliga människor som har vapen i sina händer, regeringen borde skydda Amerika från skada och fara!!!!

Detta hjälpte mig med min uppsats pga. Jag ville göra det på vapenkontroll, ämnen för vapenkontroll, men jag hade ingen aning om var jag skulle börja. Detta hjälpte verkligen till att utveckla mitt examensarbete och påstå att jag skulle lämna in. Nu ska jag bara skriva 8 sidor på den. Specialister på specialskrivtjänster Du är inte ensam om du har svårt att välja ämnen för högskoleuppsatser! Även om många studenter uppskattar friheten att välja ämne, är de flesta elever beroende av att få uppsatser från högskolan. Många av dessa kan användas Letar du efter ett bra argumenterande uppsatsämne? I behov av en övertygande idé till en forskningsartikel? Akademiskt skrivande är aldrig lätt, vare sig det är för mellanstadiet eller college. Ett övertygande tal om vilket ämne som helst är en föreställning utformad för att övertyga människor om något och bevisa din poäng.

Behöver du hjälp med att hitta enkla ämnen för ett övertygande tal? Kolla då dessa fantastiska och enkla idéer från Vet du den hemliga platsen dit folk går för att få sina bra informativa talämnen? Letar efter ett intressant ämne för tal? Ett förslagsargument är en typ av uppsats som beskriver ett specifikt problem som behöver åtgärdas. Den fokuserar på lösningarna på ett problem. Är du intresserad av att skriva förslagsuppsatser av hög kvalitet? Undrar vad som gör en vinnande uppsats? Här hittar du svar på denna fråga och briljanta förslag. Vi använder cookies för att ge dig bästa möjliga upplevelse. Om du fortsätter kommer vi att anta ämnen för vapenkontroll du håller med ämnen för vapenkontroll vår policy för cookies.

Läs mer. Argument för vapenkontroll Argument mot vapenkontroll Vapen gör det lätt att döda eller skada en person, ämnen för vapenkontroll, eller till och med många människor, inom en kort tidsram. Självförsvar, jakt och insamling är alla legitima syften för att äga ett vapen. Provapenradikalism och amerikanska rädslor. Vapen och rädsla går ofta hand i hand. Studier tyder på att vapenägare är mer benägna att få fobier och misstro. Ämnet kräver att man visar den irrationella kärnan i vapenägande. Att vara för vapen är lika med att vara anti-kvinnor, ämnen för vapenkontroll. Skjutvapen gör att våld i hemmet är mycket mer benägna att sluta med döden, ämnen för vapenkontroll. Bakgrundskontroller är viktiga. Den ekonomiska bördan av skjutvapen. Det här ämnet handlar om kostnader kopplade till vapenrelaterade skador och dödsfall.

Dessa utgifter som kan förhindras belastar den amerikanska ekonomin. Du kan understryka nödvändigheten av vapenkontroll för att lindra problemet. Vapenkontroll för att skydda skolor från skjutvapen. Skolor är hjärtat i antivapenrörelsen. Under tiden spelar vapenkontroll ämnen för vapenkontroll avgörande roll för att bevara säkerheten i utbildningsanläggningar.


Vapenkontroll berövar människor rätten till säkerhet och självförsvar. Enligt uppgifter som representeras av National Rifle Association är antalet fall av vapenanvändning enbart i självförsvarssyfte lika med 2. Människor använder vapen för att skydda sina familjer och egendom, men uppenbarligen tycker delstaterna att självförsvarsmotivet är tillräckligt svagt. Om de inför strikt vapenkontroll betyder det att dessa 2. Sanningen är att polisen är fysiskt oförmögen att skydda alla människor som behöver skydd, så dessa människor är skyldiga att försvara sig själva på egen hand. Men hur du skyddar dig själv om du inte ens har ett vapen?

Hittills har att använda ett vapen för självförsvar visat sig vara det mest effektiva sättet. Att beröva människor rätten till självförsvar eller för att rädda andra människor i problem är därför omänskligt och orättfärdigt. Överlag har vapenkontroll på senare tid blivit ett hett ämne som har både sina förespråkare och motståndare. Än så länge är bevisen mot vapenkontroll mycket rimliga och övertygande. Vapenkontroll berövar medborgarna deras exceptionella rätt – rätten att skydda sig själva och de som är i fara. Dessutom strider vapenkontroll mot det andra tillägget, som garanterar rätten att inneha ett vapen för vuxna amerikanska medborgare.

Att skriva en briljant uppsats om vapenkontroll är något utmanande på grund av det här ämnets egenhet. Men detta är inte något över din kapacitet. Att ha alla tips i åtanke samt att följa en exakt struktur för pistolkontroll kommer avsevärt att underlätta skrivprocessen. Och om du behöver hjälp med att skriva eller redigera — HandmadeWriting kommer att täcka dig! När som helst på dygnet arbetar experter på HandmadeWriting hårt för att leverera högkvalitativa papper och stödja studenter från hela världen. Lingvistik är en engelskspråkig kategori som behandlar logisk dialektal analys och tolkning. Den försöker avslöja språkets form, betydelse och sammanhang. Medan de flesta studenter kan uppfatta lingvistik som ett enkelt ämne, är det ganska komplicerat.

Engelska handledare kan utfärda ämnen inom lingvistik inom olika discipliner som fonologi eller semantik, vilket gör att många elever kämpar med att ta itu med forskningsrapporterna. Astronomi är studiet av universum och de fysiska enheter som omger det. Dessa himlaobjekt inkluderar månen, solen, stjärnor, planeter, kometer och meteoriter. Den innehåller flera ämnesdiscipliner som låter eleverna förstå konceptet med kursen. Det är därför det ger en omfattande grund för forskningsartiklar på högskolor och universitet. Astronomi är ett spännande ämne med breda, komplexa ämnen. Eftersom ämnet koncentrerar sig på universum och rymden, tycker de flesta eleverna att teman är främmande och förvirrande. Mat är ett känsligt ämne eftersom det påverkar människors liv direkt. Som experter säger, du är vad du äter är verkligen sant att de måltider du äter kan antingen bygga upp eller försvaga ditt immunförsvar.

Noggrant val av kost påverkar din hälsa oerhört. Du måste äta näringsrika måltider för att upprätthålla en hälsosam livsstil och minska riskerna för olika sjukdomar. Det är därför det finns många dietkurser och program som erbjuds på högskolor och universitet. Artiklar Bloggare Guider Exempel. Prover 13 oktober, 14 minuter läst Författare: Mathieu Johnson. Några av de övertygande och relevanta ämnena för en vapenkontrolluppsats kan vara: Vapeninnehav främjar våld bland unga människor Vapeninnehav kommer sannolikt inte att hindra vissa människor från att mörda Vapeninnehav som det enda sättet att skydda sig själv. Den breda tillgängligheten för vapen är orsaken till självmord i USA Gun Control Essay Titlar När du skriver en professionell vapenkontrolluppsats är din första uppgift att välja en spännande, catchy titel.

Titlar som stöder vapenkontroll: Våld har aldrig löst något problem Vapen utom kontroll: varför ska oskyldiga människor dö? Genom att göra det skulle de grundande fäderna fortsätta att skapa ett samhälle baserat på frihet och frihet för sina medborgare. Konstitutionen är USA:s högsta lag […]. Inledning I , Alison Parker och Adam Ward skadades dödligt i en vapenattack av en rasande skytt medan de var på uppdrag på direktsända TV Daily News, Incidenten väckte upprördhet bland ett tvärsnitt av tittare och andra intresserade intressenter med en ökad uppmaning att skärpa eller eliminera vapenägandet i USA.

Det andra tillägget lades till i konstitutionen med dess ratificering av Bill of Rights. Den säger: En välreglerad milis, som är nödvändig för säkerheten i en fri stat, folkets rätt att behålla och bära vapen, får inte kränkas. Det andra tillägget till konstitutionen säger att en välreglerad milis, som är nödvändig för en fri stats säkerhet, folkets rätt att behålla och bära vapen, inte får kränkas. Tolkningen av vad grundarna avsåg att den skulle representera har varit oklar sedan dess ratificering i In, Chicago-bosatt Otis McDonald lämnade in en process i U. Tingsrätten ifrågasätter ett stadsomfattande förbud mot handeldvapen.

Chicago det senaste beslutet som bekräftar amerikansk rätt till vapenägande. På uppdrag av […]. Det andra tillägget av Bill of Rights of the United States Constitution är allmänt känt för vanliga civila, Rätten att bära vapen. Men USA:s högsta domstol har officiellt tolkat att det andra tillägget ger en individ rätt att inneha ett vapen som inte är relaterat till militärtjänst för traditionellt lagliga ändamål såsom […]. Gud skapade 10 bud med gudomliga regler som skulle styra deras liv för hans folk till den rätta vägen. Konstitutionen skrevs också för att fastställa vissa regler och rättigheter. Det finns 27 konstitutionella […]. I , det var totalt masskjutningar.

Omkring 11 dör människor av vapenvåld i USA varje år. Ett ändringsförslag, det andra ändringsförslaget, gör det mycket svårt att stoppa osäkra människor från att köpa vapen. Hur låter en pistol? Människor dör varje år på grund av vapenvåld, dödstalen har ökat sedan, när den första dödligaste skjutningen inträffade, 21 dödades och 19 skadades. Vapenvåld har en enorm inverkan på […]. Jose Rubalcava Mrs. Kowalsky English IV, period 4 19 oktober Vapenkontroll Den 1 oktober dödades 59 personer och människor skadades under en musikfestival när en årig man vid namn Stephen Paddock sköt mot en stor folkmassa från sitt hotellrum i Mandalay Bay hotel, på […].

Vapen är en del av vardagen i Amerika i en utsträckning som många människor utanför USA har svårt att förstå. Som vi alla vet har vapenkontroll varit ett växande problem i USA sedan början av s. Detta beror på det extremt höga antalet masskjutningar som har inträffat i Amerika under de senaste åren. Mellan och var det åtminstone masskjutningar. USA har högst […]. Vapenkontroll fungerar i länder med korrekta vapenlagar. När det observeras globalt är länder med nolltolerans för vapenvåld Storbritannien, Tyskland, Japan och Australien. Tyvärr, i nästan alla länder, var någon tragisk händelse anledningen till strängare lagar om vapeninnehav och andra vapenkontrolllagar.

Några av de strängaste vapenlagarna har New York, Massachusetts, Kalifornien, New Jersey, Connecticut och Hawaii i USA. Dessa länder är beviset på att reglerna fungerar eftersom de har lägst vapendöd i staterna. Vapenkontrolllagar kan minska brottsligheten, och många argument stödjer den uppfattningen. När det finns fler skjutvapen och handeldvapen i omlopp blir det fler våldsbrott. När vapen tas bort minskar antalet våldsbrott. Att hålla vapen borta från kriminella kommer att minska våldsbrottsligheten. Om en person äger ett vapen är chansen större att den personen dödas. Vapenvåld har många negativa effekter på samhället och skapar psykiska problem orsakade av rädsla, trauma och konstant stress. Dessutom är pistolvåld förknippat med lägre hemvärden, kreditvärden och mer.

Med vapenkontroll skulle den negativa effekten försvinna. Som ett resultat skulle invånare i specifika stadsdelar kunna leva mer kvalitetsliv. Ja, vapenkontrolllagar anses vara effektiva. Huvudmålet med kontrollen är att förhindra att de som vill skada andra eller sig själva har lätt tillgång till vapen. Gun Control är ett av de mest kontroversiella ämnena i USA. Inom USA finns det en grundläggande klyfta mellan ståndpunkter om vapenkontroll. Det finns de som anser att det är deras konstitutionella rättighet att äga skjutvapen. Stanna med mig nu. Introduktionen till vapenkontrolluppsatsen börjar med att ge en bakgrund och ett examensarbete.

Från början bör läsaren vara klistrad vid uppsatsen av inledningen. Låt det fungera som ett bete som får honom att simma mot uppsatskroken. En argumenterande avhandling för vapenkontroll utgör den sista raden i inledningen. Det anger ditt ställningstagande antingen; pro-gun eller mot pistol. Ha en utarbetad uppsatskropp som presenterar alla fakta, statistik och andra bevis i kronologisk ordning. Att tillskriva den känsliga karaktären hos en sådan uppsats säkerställer att dina bevis är sakliga och kan tillförlitliga. Man kan ge lösningar på några av de problem som lyfts fram i kroppen i detta stycke. Topnotch-författare använder pistolkontrolluppsatstitlarna för att få en publik för sitt verk.

Vi ska utforska några av dessa fantastiska ämnen som kommer att motivera dig att börja skriva ett eget också.

Essay on nonverbal communication

Essay on nonverbal communication

Communication and Perception Processes Communication Models Simplify Words: Length: 5 Pages Document Type: Essay Paper : Creating and managing a high-performance knowledge-sharing network: The Toyota case. This kind of communication works always. Everyone I talk to seems to have a summer house on an island?! Asking oneself questions leads to a greater knowledge of oneself, as well as the ability to better understand others. The explosion of essay on nonverbal communication media in the 21st century has essentially redefined the way we communicate and form relationships -- which no longer require face-to-face encounters; they can exist globally, with face-to-face simulation offered…, essay on nonverbal communication.

Nonverbal Communication Analysis

In other words, the meaning we appoint to any communication is founded upon not only the content within the verbal message but also our analysis of the nonverbal behaviour that accompanies as well as overlaps the verbal message. And translating these nonverbal actions has not always been the most convenient thing to do Vantgage learning, Attributes of Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication stands out from spoken communication in that it is continuous as well as multi-channelled. It might be unintentional and uncertain. The non-verbal aspect of the…, essay on nonverbal communication. References Buck, R and VanLear, C. Verbal and Nonverbal Communication: Distinguishing Symbolic, Spontaneous, and Pseudo-Spontaneous Nonverbal Behavior. Journal of Communication. Vantgage learning.

Communicating through nonverbal behaviours, essay on nonverbal communication. Verderber Communications Publications. Kahlbaugh, P. And Haviland, J. Nonverbal communication between parents and adolescents: a study of approach and avoidance behaviours. Journal of Nonverbal Behaviour 18 1. Andersen, P. Nonverbal Communication: Forms and Functions 2nd Ed. Waveland Press. This expose the fact that non-verbal communication is imperative and effective because the eye, voice, or even touch sense is being used in a general conversation that are a part of non-verbal communication Calero Sending and receiving silent gestures on a constant basis is the regular and unconscious practice during general interactions. This demonstrates that all the non-verbal behaviors of an individual during the general conversations such as the appearance, way of talking, sitting, eye contact, hand contact and various others prove to send powerful and effective messages.

Besides, the non-verbal message communication still continues even if the group stops talking or is silent Calero Non-verbal communication has not only proved to be effective in general conversations but specific conversations also rely on Non-verbal communication most of the time. It has been analyzed that nonverbal communication acts as a primary and essential source in creating the first impression,…. References Calero, H. The Power of Nonverbal Communication: How You Act Is More Important Than What You Say. First Edition. Silver Lake Publishing, USA. The author has focused on the effects of non-verbal communication on human beings and how it can play a substantial role in building relationships or associations. The book also highlights that the human nature takes decisions that are based on their subconscious impressions when communication is involved.

Similarly, the paper has also provided a useful overview of how effective this communication can be. Ivey, a. Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society, Seventh Edition. Cengage Learning, USA. This book has provided with the essential tools that needs to be considered and likewise acclimatize basic skills in order to meet uniqueness. The author has compared how communication both verbal and non-verbal can create an impact on the learning process and form behaviors of individuals, which has been reflected within the report as well.

Nonverbal Communication Skill Although there is no consensus about the exact definition of "nonverbal communication" among experts, it is generally regarded as any communication conveyed through body movements the "body language" and the intonations and emphasis that are given to words also called the "paralinguistics". The term "nonverbal Communication" may itself be relatively new but its importance has long been realized. Martin Luther, the 16th century protestant reformer, often advised his followers, "not to watch a person's mouth but his fists.

In the present day, nonverbal communication evokes the interest of a broad spectrum of academic disciplines including psychology, sociology, anthropology, communications, and linguistics, essay on nonverbal communication, and has a similarly wide scope. Most research in the…. References Bull, Peter. VolDecember Dulek, Ronald E. Principles of Business Communication. MacMillan Publishing Company: New York: Dunn, Laurel J. Retrieved on October 3, from. asp 'Mehrabian Communication Research. Professor Albert Mehrabian's communications model. htm Riggio, Ronald E. Gestures whether voluntary or involuntary can be used to support a message or call attention to specific points in a delivery, essay on nonverbal communication.

Generally those gestures that appear natural and relaxed are more likely to send a message of self-confidence and less likely to detract from the speaker's message than those that are extreme. The authors suggests that rubbing or clenching hands may signify tension or anxiety and should be avoided during a presentation. Visual aids are another form of nonverbal communication that can be used to enhance a message, express an additional sentiment or clarify a confusing message. Visual aids when designed essay on nonverbal communication and meaningfully can greatly enhance a presentation.

It is also important to note however that visual aids can also detract from a presentation if they are utilized too often or are not used in a manner that adds to the presentation or amplifies the message the speaker is…. Nonverbal Communication Interpersonal communication, which plays a large role in business and personal relationships, refers to the ability to relate to people by using verbal and nonverbal communication. Good communicators are perceived as those who are able to deal with different people in different situations, and make people feel more comfortable with them. When we essay on nonverbal communication about communication, we usually think about words and the way that people use language.

However, essay on nonverbal communication, most people do not realize the significant role that nonverbal communication plays in delivering and receiving messages. When people talk, they have a tendency to use their bodies, use various poses and postures, make eye contact, and use body language, in addition to speaking. This is nonverbal communication. One of the most important aspects of nonverbal communication is physical appearance. Physical appearance has a subconscious effect on practically everybody. Most people are judged on their physical appearance, which includes….

Bibliography Borrell, Leo. Weight Loss for Life Program. Cowley, G. The Biology of Beauty. Newsweek, 25, pp. Donohue, William. August, Managing Interpersonal Conflict. Sage Publications. Dunn, Laurel. January 14, Nonverbal Communication: Information Conveyed Through the Use of Body Language. Missouri Western State College Essay on nonverbal communication. They interacted with a blonde-haired woman who did not want to give up her phone. She was a typical "ditzy" blonde who had no idea what she would do for three hours without her phone. The scene was meant to add some comic relief, but it was still played with the same kind of unemotional intensity that the other detectives had.

These people are supposed to be serious about their work, and there is little banter or personal talk at all. Because essay on nonverbal communication this, their body language is stilted as well, essay on nonverbal communication. It is almost as if they were "half" people who only act essay on nonverbal communication way on the show, and keep the rest of their lives and their reactions to themselves. This woman was not shy, and it was clear by the way she tossed the phone into the evidence envelope she was annoyed, essay on nonverbal communication. After she turns in the phone, she…. Non-Verbal Communication When we communicate, we tend to focus on what people are saying and their emotions, essay on nonverbal communication, while paying very little attention to their body language.

We're all aware of some non-verbal cues but "body language is about more than how we move and stand and the signals we give off in any interaction have more influence than the words we say" Gray, In fact "only essay on nonverbal communication per cent of communication involves the words we use and 38 per cent involves speech as a whole. A staggering 55 per cent is attributed to body language" This would entail that during the majority of the conversations and communications we have with people often take place without us realizing the non-verbal signals that we are giving off in our body language. This implies the room for miscommunication is…. Bibliography Perin, M. Nonverbal Communication: Journal Entry From an early age, I was urged to always make eye contact when I spoke to others.

I feel that making eye contact is natural, given that it seems people are more willing to listen to what you have to say, if you gaze directly into their face and eyes. I have since learned that eye contact is not commonly practiced in all cultures as a way of indicating sympathy and rapport with a speaker, but it feels natural to me because that it how I was raised, essay on nonverbal communication. Kinesthetically, I have also noted that a relaxed and informal style is preferred in our culture. But I have been accused by some people such as my parents of putting essay on nonverbal communication hands in my pockets, slouching, essay on nonverbal communication, and not seeming sufficiently attentive in my posture.

Although this may be acceptable in everyday conversation, I know that it is not….

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Listening to them is very important if the speaker needs to be effective. If the nonverbal communication is effectively used while delivering a message for instance through speech, that message will be effective and memorable Abramovitch , p. Non-verbal communication is complicated and it may be challenging to understand its signals. This type of communication involves the whole body, the space occupied, the time taken, what is left out and how it is left out. Non-verbal communication flows from one to another and this makes it difficult single out one element and interpret it correctly from the series of other elements. This type of communication is constantly in motion just as human beings are and it does not replicate itself in the same place.

This kind of communication unlike the spoken or written communication is irreversible. For the written communication, the communicator might be in a position to clarify, correct or retract the message that is conveyed. For the oral communication, one is able to give an explanation or restate with the intention of clarifying the point. It is therefore possible to correct oral communication, as much as the original message remains with its impact as well. It is not possible to separate a single non-verbal action from its context correct it and take it back. In speech, this kind of communication is always occurring and it becomes difficult to tell when a single non verbal message starts or stops and to exactly determine when the next one starts.

The communication is only relevant in its context and if it is singled out then it might easily be misinterpreted and misunderstood hence leading to a wrong conclusion being drawn. One usually expresses himself or herself first through the nonverbal communication always without even consciously thinking about it. This communication portrays ones feelings and thoughts way before the person becomes aware of it. This kind of communication usually brings out the intentional as well as unintentional messages. It is common for people to concentrate on how someone says something than what that message is really. It is surprising that human beings use more non-verbal communication than the verbal one and in some cases this type of communication may add up or even replace the verbal one Bull Illustrators which are nonverbal gestures are used to communicate the message in an effective way as well as reinforcing the points.

This could for instance be a node which confirms acceptance. The response to this may be in the form of an emblem, which may be by using the O. sign to signal. Regulators which are nonverbal messages may also be used for controlling, maintaining or discouraging interaction. Regulators may also be used by the audience listening to a speech. They may for instance look away, make drawings at the book margins or tap their feet, and all these regulators will be representing boredom or disinterest Kelly Adaptors can also be used in the non-verbal communication and they help one to adapt to the environment hence ensuring that the communicator is secure and comfortable.

A good example would be the hairstyle or a behavior that is self adaptive. One may also use object-adaptors to convey a message of disinterest for instance. They may use an object for a different purpose to show disinterest. A good example may be when the audience starts chewing the backside of their pens to signify disinterest. All in all, non-verbal communications are universal. They be used differently by different people in different places or they may take a different form but they will remain to be non-verbal communications. Nonverbal communication forms a basis for communicating emotional massages as people rarely express their emotions through the spoken word. Most of the time people express their emotions none verbally.

This is contributed to by the fact that some emotions might not be expressed well or fully in the verbal form. Such a person may for instance avoid eye contact, awkwardly pause during the conversation, and delay while responding to questions, changing body movement and posture frequently. When such behaviors are noticed in the speaker, the listener s may be required to be a bit keener. This type of communication is very significant in the relationship that exists between the speaker and the audience. When people meet for the first time, the first conclusions that are made about the different parties are usually derived from the non-verbal messages that are displayed Scheflen This is usually based on the dressing code, the physical characteristics and the posture.

Nonverbal communication therefore affects the first impression made, for better or for worse. As much as these expectations may neither be fair nor accurate, they always exist. Maintaining eye contact with them, using space appropriately and being formal enhances this kind of relationship. Nonverbal communication is usually perceived to be part of the message and it has the capability to contribute to or lead to detraction from the overall goal. It is believed that whatever is not said is just as significant as what is said. Words just form a section of communication. From a facial expression, it is possible to determine whether someone is happy, surprised, fearful, angered, disgusted, interested or sad.

Interpreting nonverbal communication needs no special communication. It may however require extensive training for one to be self aware of portraying nonverbal communication to others. Agreement between the two forms of communication enhances the establishment of a common understanding. A genuine and positive smile could indicate an agreement with an idea or a person. The attire that is worn also plays a significant role in bringing out a nonverbal message. A formal dressing code could be adapted while speaking in an official meeting. On the contrary, a casual code could be adapted if the message is targeted to people within an informal setting.

Eyes have always been perceived to be windows to the soul. Maintaining an eye contact could be a show of interest or attraction, while disgust is indicated by an upward nose wrinkle and raising of the upper lip. The element of time keeping also falls under nonverbal communication. When a speaker arrives at a meeting on time, and sticks to the stipulated time, it speaks a lot about that person. It also says a lot about the gravity of the topic under discussion Scheflen Culture plays a very significant role in any communication. In the case of nonverbal communication, culture determines what is and what is not allowed. This kind of communication is necessary for helping people to coexist and build their own culture.

For any communication study to be effective, one needs to grasp the basic concepts of not only the verbal but the nonverbal communication as well. Most of the time, these two forms of communication occur together. The non verbal communication is usually composed of three major components which include; the one creating the communication, the communication itself and the recipient Darwin There has always been a misconception that sign language falls under the nonverbal communication. This is however not the case as sign language is categorized under the visual language-based communication. There needs to be a complementary relationship between the verbal and the verbal forms of communication.

If not, then the result is confusion, disappointment and mistrust. Nonverbal communication is significant in the clarification and making the verbal communication to be well understood. Facial and hand gestures are used to illustrate whatever is communicated. It offers the cues that assist in ensuring that the message is understood. They expose whatever is in a person. As a person who speaks multiple foreign languages I have noticed that the element of grammar…. Language may be the most remarkable and the most important characteristic of all human creation Duranti. In cultural anthropology, studying phonology, the study of language and sounds, and how its written and spoken is a much more accurate learning process as you are learning straight from the source itself Dilley.

Nigel Barley learned that the Dowayos language was tonal. Tonal language is that each word has different tones in which it is spoken and the tones affects its meaning Dilley. The Dowayos had four tones which is very confusing for someone who is foreign to the language Barley. Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out. Home Page Essay On Nonverbal Communication Cues. Essay On Nonverbal Communication Cues Words 2 Pages Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality.

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Debate essay outline

Debate essay outline

On July 24th,debate essay outline, the respective leaders of the world's dominant capitalist and communist economic powers met at the opening of the American National Exhibition -- which was held at Sokolniki Park at the U. Prepare rebuttals to address potential counterarguments. he transition of… The ancestry, family background, siblings, educational life, death and burial of Mary Todd Lincoln were presented in this paper. These two pictures of dire futures brought debate essay outline by the healthcare bill seem to be mutually exclusive, with one predicting uncontrolled expenses and the other control so tight that care is debate essay outline denied for expense reasons alone, but both were a part of the argument against the national healthcare bill. Data is numerical. It helps you logically present your ideas and saves you from getting stuck with writer's block.

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Negative Argument for Debate Negative Argument Government should NOT turn away from fossil fuels Installing solar collectors on rooftops and insulating homes in America will not provide citizens and businesses with the energy needed to keep American strong. It is paramount that the U. continues to use fossil fuels. It's a no-brainer, friends: if we shut down fossil fuel electrical generating plants, we shut down American industry; we also shut down computers, schools, hospitals, factories. org"cleaner fossil fuel systems mitigate and even neutralize the adverse consequences of the use of fossil fuels References Bray, Tom, debate essay outline. Fossil Fuel Tempest. Byfield, Mike.

Kyoto -- the science and the hype. Cold War A Critical Debate of Cold War in 'Origins of Modern World' y definition, the term Cold War implies a state of no war and no peace between two opponents. It is the kind of international rivalry in which states use all types of measures including political, economic, debate essay outline, social, diplomatic, technical, military and paramilitary to achieve national objectives, however, it avoids overt armed conflict. It is a jargon, which is generally used to denote tense relations between former USSR and U. during the debate essay outline President Roosevelt conceived it during when Second World War was still in progress, which reflects deep rooted animosity between U, debate essay outline.

And USSR. The two countries fought debate essay outline together as allies against a common enemy, debate essay outline, Nazi Germany, but the hostility against each other never died down. It re emerged as soon as the end of War debate essay outline in sight. In order to understand the…. Bibliography Clare, J. Consequences of the Cold War. Ererdi, C. The Cold War Era. Global Security. Cold War. Retrieved from GlobalSecurity. htm Harbutt, F, debate essay outline. his however is not possible under the form of governance and control seen in New Zealand. he other example is that of heavy regulation as found in the U. And the UK. his sort of regulation results in increased controls and governance because heavy regulation doesn't lead to reduced controls and this would again lead to heavy investment in controls.

his heavy investment is undesirable since it becomes Pareto inefficient. he general affect of regulation is to restrict the variation in demand for controls while simultaneously raising investment level in an otherwise unregulated environment like New Zealand. he problem with this study is that it has some limitations which may have been affecting the results. For one we did not have full access to publicly available information and thus we may not have assessed controls effectively. his is particularly true in the case of internal debate essay outline activities since we did…. This relationship was seen in New Zealand in however it may debate essay outline be always be correct to increase controls and investment in controls if we want it to be Pareto efficiency.

This debate essay outline says that allocation from one set of goods to another should only be made when this transfer would make the other set richer but the first set not debate essay outline worse off. This however is not possible under the form of governance and control seen in New Zealand. The other example is that of heavy regulation as found in the U. This sort of regulation results in increased controls and governance because heavy regulation doesn't lead to reduced controls and debate essay outline would again lead to heavy investment in controls.

This heavy debate essay outline is undesirable since it becomes Pareto inefficient. The general affect of regulation is to restrict the variation in demand for controls while simultaneously raising investment level in an otherwise unregulated environment like New Zealand. The problem with this study is that it has some limitations which may have been affecting the results. This is particularly true in the case of internal auditing activities since we did not have access to full information on those. Further research would be needed to correct these possible errors and fill the gaps, debate essay outline. Secondly we were also limited by the lack of knowledge about the quality of internal controls being used.

Since the quality was unknown, this may have affected the relevance of our results to the overall issue. Despite these limitations, we have managed to discover a complex link between risks and controls and this finding merits further research. It would be interesting to discover how this relationship works in a heavily regulated environment especially under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Propositions Any reasonable topic for debate involves controversy; otherwise the issue would fail to be debatable. The phrase "Inadequate parking facilities on campus" is not even a full sentence. If the statement read, "There are inadequate parking facilities on campus,' some clarification would still be helpful in order for it to be an effective statement of debate. For example, the statement could read, "There are inadequate parking facilities on campus and therefore we should build a new parking lot in the park, debate essay outline.

Statement "b," "the AIDS crisis," means literally nothing; there is nothing debatable about that statement. If someone had mentioned, "the Debate essay outline crisis is a problem shared equally by governments as by citizens," or if someone said "the…. Fire: A Debate Over its Origins The ability to control fire was clearly a turning point in human history, although the conditions which enabled humans to master the ability to control fire remains controversial amongst anthropologists. The fact that it was understood that fire was a significant milestone is evident even in myth, as the god Prometheus is depicted as offering fire to the first humans, and thus giving humans godlike power.

Fire is a source of warmth, enabling human beings to better survive harsh conditions in the cold, and also a source of light, extending the productive day of humans. The beginnings of the human use of fire are often called so-called cooking hypothesis. As anyone who has ever cooked is aware, it is considerably easier to digest food which has been broken down through the process of fire. When humans were able to regularly cook their food, they…. Reference Berna, F. The taming of fire was a turning point in prehistory: When and where did it begin?

debate essay outline Dialogue webcast. Boston University. Oh, for a muse of fire: An archaeological perspective on anthropogenic fire. Contraceptives and the Health Covers Debate The debate over who should cover the cost of contraception is alive in our society today and equally contradictory among different groups, debate essay outline, depending on the religious persuasion, philosophical inclination or social upbringing of the people involved. There are, debate essay outline, however, factors that remain true and alive with us that need to be well understood first before delving further into the ideological inclinations, the teen pregnancy in the U.

stands atas of with these babies being born of debate essay outline between 15 to 19 years of age. This accounts for Department of Health and Human Services, References Andrews M. Most Employers See A Benefit In Covering Contraceptives. About Teen Pregnancy, debate essay outline. htm Park M. Birth Control Should Be Fully Covered Under Health Plans, Report Says. S Department of Health and Human Services, Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing. Capital Punishment Debate The United States is one of the few industrialized nations in the world that still practices capital punishment.

Most European nations and our northern neighbor Canada do not have the death penalty and in fact will not send wanted criminals to the United States because of their opposition to capital punishment. Proponents of the death penalty say that debate essay outline can be a deterrent to crime, that it can be cheaper than life without parole sentences, that it is a viable and just response to murder, that the death penalty is a moral imperative or even a display of divine justice. However, statistics and facts prove otherwise, debate essay outline, which is why I am firmly opposed to capital punishment. I base my argument on four major points. First, debate essay outline, studies show that the death penalty is costly, more costly than incarceration. Second, the death penalty is irreversible.

Many people are wrongfully…. Works Cited 'A Question of Innocence. Robinson, Bruce. Education Creativity has developed to become an important part of education as evident in the increased inclusion of creativity into education policy. Debate essay outline light of these recent trends, creativity has become one of the most important core values and skills in the modern education curriculum. This has debate essay outline to the emergence of the concept of creative thinking as an important component in today's education systems and policies. The significance of creativity in today's education policies and systems is evident in the increase in discussions about the concept and its consideration as a key driver of education curriculum.

The inclusion of creativity in education is fueled by the fact education is focused on being a process that encourages exploration and opening up rather than simply relying on limitations and restricted choices Ofield-Kerr par, 3. Therefore, education provides an opportunity for students to experiment in order to identify their actual interests and…. Works Cited Ofield-Kerr, Simon. Guardian News and Media Limited, 17 June PETERS, DIANE. B-schools Join the Debate. The Globe and Mail Inc.

essays on climate change

Argumentation and debate: Critical thinking for reasoned decision making. New York, NY: Cengage Learning. Challenges Faced in Preparing for the Debate Four challenges I faced in preparing for the debate were: 1 understanding the logic of my own argument—i. The first challenge for me—understanding my own argument, its premise and its logic—was difficult because it required a deep understanding of the subject and all the various sides and aspects of it. A superficial grasp of the subject would not do. I had to understand it fully in order to argue it, and I had to ensure that my argument was based on a valid premise. This was the first challenge, and I knew that my argument depended on doing the research, so I….

Works Cited Chaffee, John. Thinking Critically. Boston: Wadsworth, Goldhill, D. Debating Structured vs. Unstructured Methods This week, you have learned about the characteristics of structured and unstructured approaches in qualitative research. For this assignment, you will compare the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and discuss the merits of each. To prepare for this assignment: Consider what you have learned in your research courses about planning out the methodology for a research design. As you may recall, a structured or predetermined approach has been advocated in most, if not all, of your research textbooks up to this point.

eview Chapter 5 in Qualitative esearch Design: An Interactive Approach. In this chapter, Maxwell mentions the differences between a structured and an unstructured approach to qualitative methods. To what extent do you agree with the point-of-view that an unstructured approach to qualitative methods can be desirable? Under what circumstances might this be true? With these thoughts in mind: Write a response of…. References Maxwell, J. Qualitative research design: An interactive approach 2nd Ed. Technology, a very familiar phenomenon of modern world, is continuously enhancing its ways towards comforts and luxuries. New thoughts and ideas are coming with every passing second, and what started as only a blurred vision, now became a necessity for all mankind.

These have become a need of today's society making the society very much involved in these technological reforms. Several debates have been made on the topic that although the level of our technology keeps on improving day by day, but do all of these hi-tech gadgets give us the proper advantages? Are we really aware of the two different sides of the same mirror, or are we just so much accustomed to all such things around us that we don't bother to look upon the other side? Amongst these debates, two of the very famous are classical McDermott vs.

Mesthene debate of s and contemporary debate of Joy…. Works Cited Bill Joy: Genomics, Nanotechnology and Robotics. html Brown, John S. And Duguid, Paul. Chapter 4. A Response to Bill Joy and the Doom-and- Gloom Technofuturists. pdf Emannuel G. Mesthene vs. John McDermott. ppt James Burke Connections 1 - The Trigger Effect. Providence Debate According to J. De Caussade, God speaks "today as he spoke in former times to our fathers when there were no directors as at present, nor any regular method of direction. De Caussade asserts that God maintains and has always maintained a personal relationship, or a providential relationship, with mankind.

However, the exact way in which God exercises control over the world and the lives of humans in the world has been debated for many centuries. Indeed, in the realm of God's providence, there are numerous variables and nuanced positions, which have been argued by Christians since the time of the Apostles through to the Protestant Reformation right up to today. This paper will consider the two broader views of recent centuries -- the Arminian and the Calvinist -- and evaluate whether there might be alternative views that incorporate both perspectives of how Providence…. Bibliography Aquinas, Thomas. Summa Theologiae, Benziger Bros, ed. Fathers of the English Dominican Province]. Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Chang, Andrew D.

health care debate that has been going in the United States. It discusses the Obama Care Act and how it impacts the society. Functionalist perspectives and theories are utilized in analyzing the situation and what outcomes are expected. The major themes and concepts of the functionalist theory are discussed in detail. The Health Care reform proposed by the Obama Administration has long been the area of debate in America and in countries all over the world. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act go on to cut down the number of people who are not insured. It requires small businesses to provide medical insurance to all the people working in the business. The employers are obliged to provide a good quality medical insurance.

Failure of the small business to provide a good health care system will result in a penalty for any employee that goes uninsured. This act applies to…. References Berkman, L. et al. Gerhardt, U. The Sociological Review, 27 2 , p. Napsha, J. The Washington Times, 29th June. In my work "Conduit" I presented a basic fantasy of everyone's, to pee off a skyscraper. While this is a crazy and often considered offensive idea, sometimes it is those notions that free the mind in a new way. Stelarc: I hope that people are offended by my art. I hope that in a way people are offended at the way that science has made the human body obsolete. I want viewers to feel and think when they see me hanging from flesh hooks or be enraged when they see my "Third Ear" for perhapes it will reawaken and reanimate what seems to be a dead society.

Question 3: Where do you see art and society moving in the future? Stelarc: While I can't really speak for art in general, I fear that society is moving further and further away from the miraculous and inspired. It seems to me that…. If Clark's argument held true, then would it not be easier to simply hand the students sheets of paper with the material on it and expect them to simply read them and learn. We all know that this works for some students, but not for others. Some students need to hear the message and respond socially to it in order to learn the material. Classroom learning is not only about learning that 2 X 4 is 8, but being able to take that knowledge out of the context in which it was learned and to be able to apply it in a real world situation.

This is where the multi-media approach to learning comes into play. This supports the role of the media and the emotions surrounding…. References Clark, R. Reconsidering research on learning from media. Review of Educational Research, 53 4 , Dewan, S. Distance Education Teacher as a Leader: Learning from the Path Goal Leadership Theory. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. Gaigg, S. Free recall and forgetting of emotionally arousing words in autism spectrum disorder. Kozma, R. Will media influencing learning? Reframing the debate. Therefore, while Lincoln gave a rather general statement concerning the matter, Lincoln offered an image common people can relate to and therefore agree upon.

Thus, Lincoln's use of the human rights issue was unsuccessful in this context. Secondly, Douglas raised the issue of the states free to decide on their own whether they accepted slavery or not. Douglas, points out the fact that states have according to the constitution the right and power to decide on their own for the rights given to the black people. Referring to Illinois, he concludes that slaves "belong to an inferior race, and must always occupy an inferior position," thus "I hold that Illinois had a right to abolish and prohibit slavery as she did" and therefore "we must leave each and every other State to decide for itself the same question.

Bibliography First Debate with Stephen a. Ottawa, Illinois. August 21, The National Parc Service web site. htm Jenkins, Philip. A history of the United States. New York: Palgrave, Remembering the U. And USSR Kitchen Debates of Before the bellicosity and belligerence exchanged by the United States of America USA and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics USSR in the s -- an era known today as the "Cold ar" -- the two recently emergent superpowers engaged in the delicate dance of diplomacy in the wake of their shared victory in orld ar II. One of the most interesting examples of the doomed diplomatic efforts between American and Russian leaders was known as the "Kitchen Debates," as U. Vice President Richard Nixon and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev squared off in an often rancorous debate amidst a truly unique backdrop.

On July 24th, , the respective leaders of the world's dominant capitalist and communist economic powers met at the opening of the American National Exhibition -- which was held at Sokolniki Park at the U. Embassy in Moscow as…. Works Cited Jakabovics, Barrie Robyn. Nixon, Richard M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University. Kitchen Debate - Transcript. Washington D. Douglas did not believe that blacks were equal to whites, but he also didn't necessarily believe that because of that fact they should be slaves. Rather, he believed that it was up to every state to decide what the rights should be. He didn't want to set forth laws about this, but rather, he wanted every state to decide for itself. One of Lincoln's better points was that slavery had not served to bring the states of the Union together, but rather, slavery had served to put a wedge between the states of the Union.

He thought that when people realized that slavery would not and could not be everlasting, it would simply stop. He thought that…. Works Cited Guelzo, Allen C. Lincoln and Douglas: The Debates that Defined America. The Making of a Nation. Baptism Debate: An Examination of the Purpose and Merits of Baptism There is no trick involved in entering the Kingdom of Heaven, but many theologians argue that there are some important steps that must be taken to help pave the way, including being baptized. Issues such as whether complete immersion is required or simply a token sprinkling, who is authorized to perform baptisms and even the fundamental purpose and merits of baptism, have all been the source of enormously divisive controversy within the Christian church for two millennia.

To determine the facts, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature concerning different views about the purpose and merits of baptism, and whether baptism is reserved for believers only or for infants as well. A discussion concerning what mode of baptism is biblical is followed by a summary of the research and important findings in the conclusion. References Bryant, S. Cavendish, R. New York: Marshall Cavendish Corporation. Governor Romney's public speaking style was somewhat less poised, but was again immediately observable in his first response. After also thanking everyone and even joking wth the President about his anniversary, he launched into a somewhat hesitant series of brief anecdotes about people wanting help.

His posture shifted more frequently, his speech contained more hesitations and pauses, and his gaze wavered from the camera to the moderator to the audience present at the University of Denver, and his words were equally as evasive as the President's but without the confidence or comfort. Again, this appeared to continue throughout the debate, though Romeny did appear to gain some confidence as the debate wore on and his comfort in the setting grew. Others believed that cost control would become a matter for distant and impersonal government boards, with a direct effect on care, and that the reduced competition brought about by the federal government's entrance into the insurance market in any form would simply lead to rising healthcare costs without any real control or oversight.

These two pictures of dire futures brought about by the healthcare bill seem to be mutually exclusive, with one predicting uncontrolled expenses and the other control so tight that care is potentially denied for expense reasons alone, but both were a part of the argument against the national healthcare bill. Oversight There has also been considerable debate regarding exactly who will be overseeing the program. There was considerable talk of "death panels," a deliberately fear-invoking image of a bunch of suit-wearing individuals determining when it was time for a person to die rather than continue to receive…. Another hugely contentious issue in the healthcare debate that raged in the summer of was the control of the expenses of the program, and how that would be related to the care received and the cost of that care and the insurance to begin with to the average taxpayer.

On one side, many politicians and advocates stressed that even a single-payer system wouldn't mean that a government bureaucrat would decide care based on a need to control expenses; the programs overseers would assess the costs of providing healthcare and adjust spending and rates accordingly, just as occurs in the private insurance and medical services industries. There was considerable talk of "death panels," a deliberately fear-invoking image of a bunch of suit-wearing individuals determining when it was time for a person to die rather than continue to receive expensive medical care.

The thought of panels of government bureaucrats overseeing every aspect of care, including end-of-life care, was horrific to many people, and a major source of anger and opposition to the bill. Proponents of the bill, however, insisted that the doctor and patient would still determine health care plans, and that the government's role would purely be in ensuring adequate funding in order to cover the vast majority of currently uninsured Americans. The reconciliation of these two views is still long in coming. Political Debate One on the most hotly contested debates today is whether President Bush should invade Iraq. Though there are numerous experts arguing both side of this debate, most of the public's questions are left unanswered. Terrorist Attacks There are critics who believe the United States involvement in the U.

sanctions provoked the terrorist attacks on September They blame the sanctions for an increase in the death rate of Iraqi children due to starvation. Others, however, blame Saddam Hussein for the deaths, stating he is buying weapons and living a luxurious lifestyle instead of providing food and medical supplies to the Iraqi people Sanctions, An Argument Against ar The terrorist attacks have lead President Bush to consider invading Iraq. Before he can make this decision, he must first address several issues such as how much threat does Iraq pose, the cost of war, relationships with Arab Community and…. DON'T BLAME THEH SANCTIONS. Denver Rocky Mountain News. Frazza, Luke. Agence France Presse.

Xinhua News Agency. He in turn is raising questions and rebuttals from those who oppose his regime's initiatives. Three articles from The New York Times show different perspectives on this challenge -- specifically, its effects on the social, political and economic situation of those it is aimed at rebuffing. Each article shows why Russia's new anti-liberal direction is problematic for both…. Works Cited Bernstein, Jacob. Gladstone, Rick. Taking one's life as a result of the fact that the respective person is expected to suffer inhumane pain for several years until his or her death cannot possibly be compared with murder or suicide. Morality should actually be combined with logics in understanding euthanasia and people need to be more sympathetic and less egocentric regarding individuals who prefer euthanasia as the "safe way out.

A normal pro-life campaign is less complex than Catholic anti-abortion principles because of the religious aspect of the matter. The connection between the Catholic Church and morality has come to be stronger in the recent years in spite of the fact that it does not essentially function based on morality alone. To a certain degree, one might be inclined to consider that the Church is wrong in promoting anti-abortion simply because it wants to follow Christian tradition. Catholic teachings are essentially derived from the Bible and "whatever the "moral" teaching of the Church might be, it is, in the final analysis, a function of how to read the Scripture.

Christian morality is not, in short, a "stand-alone" moral position" O'Brien In promoting anti-abortion messages, Catholic representatives practically go against the general message that the Gospel is trying to convey. Catholics have recently been more determined than ever to fight…. Works cited: Faundes, Anibal and Barzelatto, Jose, "The human drama of abortion: a global search for consensus," Vanderbilt University Press, John Paul II, "Evangelium Vitae: The Gospel of Life," St. Pauls Publications, Mitchell, Alan C. CFACC and AOC are, by their very nature, located several hundred, sometimes thousands of miles from the air battle. And, as emphasized prior, we understand that technology allows command far more specific details than in the history of the military.

That being said, no amount of technology can translate a blip on a screen to an actual threat, and react with the appropriate response within milliseconds. One would think, for instance, that with the thousands upon thousands of dollars the service spends on training their pilots, the number of scenarios engendered, and the amount of air time required to pilot a multimillion dollar piece of extraordinary equipment that command would acknowledge that there needs to be a certain level of trust and allowance for experience and pilot assessment of various high stress situations.

While it is certainly true that, at times, the individual pilot cannot see the "big picture," and…. Death Penalty The debate surrounding capital punishment is not as clear as one might think -- in fact, there is a great deal of gray within this debate. The actual definition is State controlled taking of a human life in response to some crime committed by a person who was legally convicted of that crime Lacayo, Capital punishment has been part of human history, and currently 58 global nations actively practice it, 95 have abolished it, and the remained have not used it in over a decade Amnesty International, Some scholars tout the view that capital punishment produces an extremely strong deterrent effect to crime that actually saves lives, is supported by the majority of Americans, and that each execution actually results in a statistically viable reduction in murders Muhlhausen, As of , however, Amnesty International categorizes most countries as abolitionist regarding the death penalty Figures on….

Virginia Supreme Court U. php "Capital Punishment, 30 Years On: Support, but Ambivalence as Well. Sociology Debate: A central debate in sociology revolves around whether the power elite or pluralist view is correct. Which do you believe and why? Explain your answer. The Power Elite view seeks to look at the way the elites rule and influence the running of the American society as a whole in the day-to-day basis. One scholar in sociology, Smith Mark in his analysis of C. Wrights work, tries to explain the rule of the elite in terms of institution that are formed to ensure the elite has a firm hand on the power controls. He identifies three main institutions that occupy the key positions in the society; major business corporations, the federal government and the military.

He says that those in command of the three institutions do and will always have the same values and interest. They coalesce and interconnect to form a single ruling minority. Among these…. References Don Albrecht et. al Minority Concentration, Disadvantage, and Inequality in the Nonmetropolitan United States. Midwest Sociological Quarterly, Impact Lab The 10 people most responsible for the Recession. Job Losses Continue, ADP Surveys Suggest. It must be considered, as well, that genetic testing is a somewhat newer thing and the results can be skewed; so even if a doctor did do a test and results came up negative, there is a chance something could have been positive.

Is the doctor responsible for the fact that the test didn't find any genetic problems? It would be absolutely nonsensical to think that the doctor should be punished for not detecting problems. It is also incredibly unfair. When two people decide to have children, they are basically assuming all responsibilities and they should be aware that giving birth to a child means knowing that there are certain risks involved. There is this question to be considered: If an aborted child cannot sue for wrongful death, how can anyone sue for wrongful life? What will happen, if we aren't careful, is that doctors will become very wary of…. References: Bayles, Michael D. Harm to the unconceived. Kalamazoo College -- Western Michigan University Conference in Philosophy of Law.

Doerr, Adam. The 'wrongful life' debate. Genonomics Law Report. This issue has not been adequately addressed by health care reform. The underlying trend in each of these major issues in health care reform is controlling the rising cost. Malpractice reform seeks to control the cost of insurance to health care providers, so that they can pass those savings along to consumers. The public option provides a plan for affordable health care coverage for uninsured and underinsured Americans. This is deemed necessary because private insurers will not offer insurance to those it feels will demand too much in terms of health care costs going forward.

Reducing the cost of health…. Works Cited: Carey, Nick. Uninsured Americans hope reform brings health coverage. The Obama Plan: Stability and Security for All Americans. PDF New York Times. Malpractice and Health Care Reform. New York Times. html Kaiser Family Foundation. Prescription Drug Trends. Kaiser Family Foundation. Douglas stated that he would vote for the admission of any state with any form of the Constitution ratified by the territory's people. If the people showed that they wanted slavery, they should have it, he said, if the people prohibited slavery it should be prohibited.

Of course, the entire voting population all the territories were free, white men. Still, Douglas saw this as an effective and moderate compromise and attempted to paint Lincoln as an abolitionist radical. The most contentious specific policy at stake in the second debate was that of Kansas' prospective constitution. The people of the Kansas territory wished their state to be admitted as an enslaved state, and keep what they considered their property, namely their slaves. This was in violation of previous compromises, however, designed to keep the Union in a state of free and enslaved representational balance. Douglas supported the pro-slavery constitution of Kansas,…. These people demonstrated that a trial regarding a possible capital sentence is lengthy and is probable to reflect negatively on the suspect, considering that he or she experiences intense feelings as he or she stands and waits for the jury to decide whether he or she is going to live another day or not.

Taking into account the nature of the crimes attributed to a person who is susceptible to be sentenced to death, it is irrelevant whether or not he or she spends a significant amount of time in courts. Another legal issue that emerges when discussing in regard to capital punishment is related to the influence of constitutional rights in the case of a person who is convicted for serious crimes. Works cited: Adam Bedau, Hugo, and Cassell, Paul G. The Experts on Both Sides Make Their Case," Oxford University Press, Mandery, Evan J. Global Warming The Debate of Global Warming Global Warming is a serious problem for our planet and our generation.

This is a topic of much concern and debate. The climate change in our environment has been the center of many debates. A debate can be described as a discussion in which people or groups state different opinions about a subject. It can also be described as a competition in which teams of people, mostly students, discuss a subject in front of a group of judges and the team that makes the best argument wins. The following is a debate outline:. It includes:. The introduction is made up of:. Second Affirmative Constructive. This part includes:. Negative side:. Affirmative side. Debate Outline: Debate Speech Outline A debate can be described as a discussion in which people or groups state different opinions about a subject.

Debate Outline: Debate Outline For Students In College Or Highschool The following is a debate outline: 1. First Affirmative Constructive. It includes: Introduction. The introduction is made up of: Opening. State also that you are speaking for the affirmative. Express pleasure for the chance to debate the topic. Give your resolution. Define the key terms in your presentation. Present your thesis statement to give your audience a direction. Body Describe the issue that you are presenting.. Support the affirmative case using 4 to 6 arguments. Tips and Warnings.

Related Articles. Article Summary. Co-authored by wikiHow Staff Last Updated: August 12, References. Method 1. Identify the form of debate your outline is for. There are several different types of debate, such as parliamentary debates and Lincoln-Douglas debates, that each have their own organizational structure. The order in which speakers present their arguments differs between each debate form. Thus, you'll have to base your debate outline on the particular structure of the debate you'll be engaging in. In the first half of the debate, each team has two segments to present arguments for their side. In the second half of the debate, each team has two segments to rebut arguments presented in the first half.

Lincoln-Douglas debates are set up to allow one side to present their arguments, and then the other team to cross-examine them. The second team then presents their arguments and has the first team cross-examine them. Finally, each team has an opportunity for a final rebuttal. Research the debate question and decide which side to take. Use quality sources , such as peer-reviewed journals and academic books, to gather the best information possible about your debate topic. Focus on finding relevant facts, statistics, quotations, cases, and examples that are related to the topic at hand.

Then, based on this evidence, decide which side of the debate has the strongest argument and take that side, if possible. If you're writing the debate outline for an assignment and can't pick your own side, focus on gathering as much evidence as possible to strengthen the argument you're tasked with making. Whatever argument you ultimately make, make sure that it is logically sound and that you have convincing, relevant evidence that supports it. Be sure to note all bibliographical information on your notes. For every supporting piece of evidence you find for your case, try to find another piece of evidence to counter it.

This will help you build your argument later. It is better to include more points than you think you will need, than not doing enough research and lacking evidence. Categorize all the evidence you come across in your research. On a piece of paper, list all the different pieces of evidence you've found that supports your case the primary argument you're making. Order it so that the most influential and powerful evidence is the first to be presented, mediocre evidence is in the middle, and a final powerful piece is at the end. Then, make the same kind of list for all the evidence you've found that supports your opponent's argument.

If you have a fairly lengthy debate planned, break up your case evidence into categorical sections. For example, you could have legal, moral, and economic support for your case. Aim to have a minimum of 3 supporting facts or pieces of evidence in your case outline. Method 2. Follow outlining principles that will keep your outline organized. While the order of your material will be determined by your debate form, the format for your debate outline should follow the basic guidelines for outlining. Organize your outline with main headings and subheadings marked by Roman numerals, capital letters, and Arabic numerals. Main headings will probably consist of arguments, while subheadings will contain different pieces of supporting evidence. Use correct symbols. Each level of the outline has a particular symbol to use.

The main headings will use Roman numerals I, II, III, IV. Subheadings use capital letters A, B, C. Sub-sub headings use Arabic numerals 1, 2, 3. Keep these consistent throughout your outline. Indent each level. Indentation helps you follow the line of argument and keeps your outline organized. Start by outlining your introduction. The introduction should include an overview of the research question or topic of debate, as well as a thesis statement for your overall argument. Finally, write another bullet point below this one that states your thesis. Write out your first main point in the form of a thesis statement. This line of argument should be the most convincing piece of evidence for why your overall argument is correct. State the relevant evidence and significance for this main point.

Add additional subheadings below your first line of argument and briefly write out all the relevant pieces of evidence that support this claim. Then, add a final subheading and explain why this sub argument is important to the overall case you're making in the debate. For example, the evidence that electric cars produce less carbon dioxide emissions than gas cars might include statistical information compiled by the Energy Department and the Environmental Protection Agency. Repeat this process for each additional part of your argument. Create a subheading for each line of argument you'll make to advance your overall argument. Then, write out the evidence and significance for each of these sub-arguments as well.

Prepare rebuttals to address potential counterarguments.

Biology essays

Biology essays

Harrison resolved the issue by describing the neural connections of the human body. The division of the cell happens via mitosis. It is often difficult to choose the exact topic since…. Animals will get hurt and some sadly […], biology essays. Introduction 2. To differentiate two persons on the basis of sexuality, you will incorporate differences in chromosomes, genes, internal and external sexual organs and hormonal profiles. The disadvantage or the negative part of speciation is that biology essays of the species that are biology essays able to adapt to the changes will be extinct in a few year's time.

Areas of Research for Biology Essays

Published Date: 23 Biology essays The skin is the largest organ and one of its functions is as a protective barrier of human body. As it is the largest organ, hence it is prone to have injuries. Once injury occurs, biology essays, this barrier will be disrupted and thus it needs to regain its function to prevent invasion of pathogens and blood loss. Wound healing involves multiple steps which includes blood clotting, re-epithelialization, Introduction A pathologically increased activation of complement appears in autoimmune diseases which might enhance the inflammatory reaction.

Disruption or exhaustion of complement-mediated clearance of immune complexes and apoptotic cells, and of its bridging to adaptive immunity, are contributing factors of autoimmune diseases. Additionally, the endocrine system is a target for autoimmune diseases where local effects of sex hormones seems to consist mainly in modulation of cytokine Simon Mendy Compare the symptoms, causes and available or future treatments for Motor Neuron Disease, Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Myasthenia Gravis. Motor neuron disease and Spinal Muscular Atrophy shrink are neurodegenerative conditions that arise due to motor neurons dysfunction and Myasthenia Gravis is an The Ebola virus EBOV is an enveloped, non-segmented, biology essays, negative-strand RNA virus, which together with Marburg virus, makes up the filoviridae family.

A fifth Biology essays species is confirmed in a outbreak in Bundibugyo, Uganda3,4. Pradyumna Raparti ABSTRACT: The enzyme Pantothenate Synthetase also known as Pantoate--beta-alanine ligase,Pantoate-activating enzyme; abbreviated PS or Panc is an important drug target in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is essential for the in vitro growth and survival of M. The panC gene biology essays for pantothenate synthetase. PS catalyzes the ATP-dependent condensation of pantoate and beta-alanine to form pantothenate with AMP adenosine monophosphate and pyrophosphate as Abstract E2Fs is a common and important family of transcription factors. E2F transcription factors have been widely studied in many organizations, it has many regulating function related to cellular proliferation differentiation, DNA repair, cell cycle and cell apoptosis.

E2F8 is recent identification member of E2F family, it has high degree of similarity with E2F7 on structure and function. E2F8 have a duplicated DNA-binding domain DBD and control Alice Smith Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells Similarities Differences Prokaryotic cells Plasma membrane Cytoplasm Nucleoid Pili Cell wall apart from in plant eukaryotic cells Capsule Plasmid Eukaryotic cells Flagellum Ribosome's Nucleus Nuclear pore Chromatin Nuclear envelope Nucleolus Mitochondria Cytoskeleton Golgi apparatus Secretory Introduction : Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats CRISPR are segments of prokaryotic DNA containing short repetations of base sequences. CRISPR systems are type of adaptive immune system confined to many bacterias for protection from foreign plasmids, viruses and also nucleic acids.

They also protect bacterias from horizontal transmission of various genetic element. In CRISPR system the palindromic repeats are followed by spacer DNAbiology essays, the Louise Rich Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Skeleton and Muscles Assessment Criteria 1. Remember to link structure and function for both. Preliminary review of Literature A preliminary review has been compiled to cover on field effects of climate change and agronomical responses to irrigation methods. The literature was reviewed in association mapping studies of durum wheat and for dissection of Global Warming traits.

QTL analysis studies for agronomical traits was also reviewed. The literature reviews also covers the current status of research and agriculture status of Mauritania Published Date: biology essays Jan Title: Associations between ILβ rs polymorphism and susceptibility to psoriasis: a meta-analysis Running title: Association of ILβ rs and psoriasis Highlights: We performed a Meta-analysis to assess the association ofILβ rs and psoriasis. Biology essays between ILβ rs and psoriasis was proved.

ILβ rs is the susceptibility gene of psoriasis in Asian and European. Abstract Purpose The aim of this meta-analysis was to explore whether It can be transmitted to human and cause to a new variant of the Biology essays disease CJD. Unlike CJD, variant CJD vCJD has Published Date: 19 Biology essays CAN EATING LESS INCREASE YOUR LIFESPAN? There is sufficient evidence to presume that these fasts have physiological benefits. Biology essays report will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of intermittent biology essays and calorie restriction diets.

It will also give an overview Chen Fei Changes of fast and slow spindles across menstrual cycles in healthy women Abstract Sleep spindles, as a typical waveform of sleep electroencephalogram EEGare affected by the menstrual cycle. However, more and more studies show biology essays there are two types of sleep spindles-called fast spindles and slow spindles. To investigate whether there are differences between changes of fast sleep spindles and slow Analysis of Influence Factors of T-SPOT, biology essays. TB assay in Active Tuberculosis Patients Keywords interferon-gamma release assays, biology essays, T-SPOT.

TB, tuberculin skin test, pulmonary TB, extrapulmonary TB Abstract Objective: To biology essays the influence biology essays of interferon-gamma release assays IGRAs for active tuberculosis TB in previously Bacillus Calmette-Guerin BCG -vaccinated patients. Methods: patients underwent the T-SPOT. TB test including active pulmonary TB PTB and 52 active extrapulmonary TB EPTB. The synaptic ribbon of hair cells is a large presynaptic organelle implicated in precise synaptic transmission of auditory information to biology essays neurons. Ribbon synapses are electron-dense bodies that vary in shape, size, and number across species, along the tonotopic axis, and even among active zones in individual hair cells.

They are unique in their form and function such that they provide the entire acoustic signal to Auxins and cytokinin plays an important role for this. In addition to this histological study of the plant tissue at different time interval provides an important tool to reveal the various The mutations may increase the risk of DN, which means C-allele is the risk allele of DN, biology essays. Abstract Objective: Our study aims to May Zheng Lab Partner: Vena Ganesarasa Observations: Biology essays 1: The Use of Iodine Solution for Determining the Presence of Starch in Various Samples Solutions Sample: Amylose Maltose Sucrose Glucose Unknown X Unknown Y Distilled Water Observations Light yellow, cloudy, Research Proposal from Islam Md.

The previous safety issues were mostly concerned to the microbiological contamination especially Salmonella and the new complaints are associated with the presence TAQ 1- Part 1- The similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Prokarytotic cells Eukaryotic cells Similarities Nucleus The DNA floats within the nucleus of this cell, biology essays. The division of the cell happens via mitosis. John Wiley Sabrina Danial Leong Discrete entities or continuum community best describes current Ecology? A number of species assembled to form a pioneer community. Commonly, biology essays, community is the assemblage of any populations in a habitat. They can consists of many sizes and could be from a taxonomic group or different types of taxonomic group Krebs These species were capable of immigrating rather rapidly and can withstand unfavorable The results of this study indicated that dentin surface treatment with ethanol-based EDC solution for 1 min did not decrease immediate bond strength and resulted in biology essays strength preservation after water storage for 90 days.

Measured hydroxyproline release from dentin collagen after exposure to collagenase demonstrated that EDC-ethanol solution treatment improved collagen resistance to collagenase-mediated degradation, which could lead to the stabilization of biology essays hybrid layer Given the important role of phenylalanine dehydrogenase PheDH in the synthesis of chiral drug intermediates and detection of phenylketonuria, suggesting it is significant to obtain a PheDH with special and high activity. Here, a novel PheDH gene, pdh, encoding a BsPDH with biology essays The BsPDH showed the optimal activity at 60°C and pH 7. Identify biology essays describe the function of the main components of the digestive system marks Identify cell and tissue types marks Identify and describe the urinary system marks Digestive and urinary system Part A Identify the parts of the digestive biology essays on the diagram overleafmks Explain the function of each part of the digestive system identified in the diagram above?

Effect of EDA-A1 gene mutant on proliferation and cell cycle distribution of cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cell Running title: The effect of mutant EDA-A1 gene on HUVECs. Ke Lei, biology essays, MM; Lunchang Wang, MD; Bing Ma, MM; Ping Shi, MD; Longjiang Li, MD; Tuanjie Che, MD; Xiangyi He, MD Highlights: EDA-A1 gene mutant significantly decreased proliferation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells HUVECs. TAQ 1 — In a short account explain biology essays and bone function which aid carry out its roles. The human skeleton is made up of bones, these bones are composed of a mineral called calcium. Due to this mineral bone is a very hard substance, without the presence of calcium bone becomes soft and rubber like.

There are In the experiment, agar cubes were used to resemble plant cells. Biology essays surface area to volume ratio of the agar cubes was investigated by cutting out different volumes agar and Caroline Haver Scientists continuously research to better understand the human stages biology essays development and progression of diseases. Due to the complexity and ethical concerns of biology essays with humans, biology essays, scientists instead utilize model organisms such as Danio rerio zebrafish in their biology essays. Gaining understanding of processes in these less complex organisms allows for better application and comprehension in more complex organisms, biology essays.

Therefore, I will Novel Strategies Halt Cardiovascular, Diabetes, and Cancer Strips Summary Since the authors found firstly there are cardiovascular disease, biology essays, diabetes and cancers CDC strips and disclosed their mechanisms, classifications and clinical significances, there is an arising problem how to prevent and halt CDC strips, biology essays. Fortunately, the authors had already developed new strategies which based previous works for the prevention of coronary heart disease CVDbiology essays, cardiovascular events CVEs Fanconi anemia is the most frequently reported rare inherited bone marrow failure syndromes IBMFSsaround cases have been reported in the medical literature.

It was first reported by Guido Fanconi in He observed 3 brothers with macrocytosis, biology essays, pancytopenia, and physical abnormalities Alter et al, biology essays. Scientists estimate that the carrier Literature review Purcell and Perlak investigated the global impact of Bt cotton. It was reported that since its biology essays inthis insect resistant transgenic from of cotton has been widely accepted and grown by farmers. Bt cotton has been cultivated on both, commercial and small-scale farms, biology essays, and farmers with small holdings have benefited majorly. The adoption of Bt cotton has facilitated growers in terms Abstract Neuromedins are a family of structurally highly conserved peptides which is initially isolated from porcine spinal cord.

It is best known for their contractile activity to induce uterine smooth muscle contractionon.

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Joan Brugge, she discusses progression, drug resistance, and the different aspects in which 3-D models aid in the investigation of cancer biology. Her laboratory has provided wonderful and crucial insights into the understanding and treatment of cancer. The concept of race is not supported biologically nor can humans be naturally divided into racial categories. Humans are biologically different; however, do not fall in racial groups nor are biological units Fuentes , The ABO system, Human Genome Project, and Ancestry Informative Markers explains how and why the concept of race is not […]. Abstract Endothelial dysfunction induced by exposure to high glucose conditions is recognized as one of the earliest events in the pathogenesis of diabetes-related vascular complications.

Activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome protein complex governs the production of interleukin-1? and interleukin IL , two major proinflammatory cytokines involved in endothelial dysfunction and other diabetic comorbidities. Sirtuin-1 SIRT1 […]. The general concept of ethics can be considered very subjective, depending on the scenario. When it comes to ethics in science, it is not black and white, nor will it ever […]. The prolonged exposure of intestine to ROS leads to oxidative stress which induces lipid peroxidation, protein degradations and damages essential cellular macro molecules which progress to metabolic […]. In the s High throughput screening method was developed and continued to evolve.

Nowadays HTS is one of […]. The hypoxia-inducible transcription factor HIF-1 plays a critical role in being regulating systematic activities. The HIF-1? subunit contains proline residues which, in the presence of high oxygen levels are […]. There has been a question to what the purpose of life is. From a biological perspective, the question can be examined in a very simple fashion. The purpose of life is to reproduce and further the species. In order to do this, the human race must acquire quality mates in order for their best chance […]. The Overwhelming majority of people are heterosexual with few exceptions: most males want Females as sexual partners and vice versa.

Knowing whether someone has a male or female sexual preference is one of the most reliable behavioural predictors of the biological sex […]. Waking up before 6 in general- for most people is dreadful, so imagine being up at to sit in a classroom. Fighting to get out of bed early in the morning is a hassle for a lot of people. School starting times are way too early and should be changed to a later times […]. Cells are the basic building blocks of life and make up all living organisms. There are two classifications of cells in every organism called prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A prokaryotic cell composes of single cell organisms like bacteria for example. While, a eukaryotic cell consists of multicellular organisms, the example for that is humans.

The human […]. The immune system as a protection against infections from foreign macromolecules or attacks by organisms, including viruses, bacteria, protozoa and parasites. The immune system also plays a role in resistance to body proteins and other molecules such as those that occur in autoimmunity, and against cells that are aerated into tumors. The ability of the […]. Executive Summary Conservation need: At least five endangered sea turtles habitats are in harm along the Gulf of Mexico and the Savanna, Georgia area. Unfortunately, there are approximately five different species of sea turtles have been lost from roughly over 53 percent of the wetlands that they once inhabitant. Need a custom essay on the […]. One of the most leading cause of death globally is cancer and it is responsible for 8.

Cancer causes nearly 1 in 6 deaths globally. Cancer is a complex […]. Conserving habitats is not an easy task. The number of threatened and endangered species in the United States and critical habitats is constantly being destroyed Shilling With one-quarter of mammal species at risk of extinction and amphibians on the decline, more needs to be done to protect wildlife habitats. Plans to protect species tend […]. Prostate cancer continues to be a major cause of cancer-related death in the male population of the western world even with incidence rates on the rise worldwide. A clear […]. Although Henrietta Lacks died 65 years ago, her cells known as the HeLa line, live on, propelling scientific advances around the world. After their discovery, HeLa cells enabled the development of in vitro fertilization, the first clone of a human cell, the development of the polio vaccine, advances in gene mapping, and so much more.

Before delving into the molecular biology and therapeutic potentials of induced pluripotent stem cells, it is crucial that foundational definitions and descriptions are provided. A stem cell commences as an undifferentiated cell that can either undergo self-renewal whereby it generates daughter cells that remain as stem cells, or mature into a specific cell type via […]. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Apoptosis or Programmed Cell Death Apoptosis is an important cellular process that allows cells to die in a programmed and organized fashion. Homosexuality Behavior is Exhibited through all Types of Species of Animals We as a species are the only ones to grasp an understanding of it through biological, psychological and social aspect.

Fanconi anemia is the most frequently reported rare inherited bone marrow failure syndromes IBMFSs , around cases have been reported in the medical literature. It was first reported by Guido Fanconi in He observed 3 brothers with macrocytosis, pancytopenia, and physical abnormalities Alter et al. Scientists estimate that the carrier Literature review Purcell and Perlak investigated the global impact of Bt cotton. It was reported that since its introduction in , this insect resistant transgenic from of cotton has been widely accepted and grown by farmers. Bt cotton has been cultivated on both, commercial and small-scale farms, and farmers with small holdings have benefited majorly.

The adoption of Bt cotton has facilitated growers in terms Abstract Neuromedins are a family of structurally highly conserved peptides which is initially isolated from porcine spinal cord. It is best known for their contractile activity to induce uterine smooth muscle contractionon. It is ubiquitously distributed with highest levels found in several different tissues and have been ascribed numerous functions. Amino acid alignment of the C terminus of NMU shows its structure are important for bioactivity. The problem is determined and explains how the problem comes to its existence.

It talks about the significance of having the problem solved and limits the broad spectrum to specify only the most essential parts. Introduction Gmelina arborea is regularly known as white teak, gamhar and Kashmir tree Jacob Lawson Abstract Macronutrients are an essential to all living plants, but the focus of our study is quantities that effect plants. How significant certain macronutrients relate to others in growth and total health of a living plant? Our focus of the study supports the ideal that potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen play major roles in plant development and when deficient show severely stunted growth. Over the years it became one of the most important industrially produced anionic heterolpolyasaccharide.

Reason for its prime importance is its wide use in food, cosmetics, paper making, medicine, paint and petroleum industry. It is used as a n emulsifier, thickner and friction and water mobility reducer. Xanthan gum is convenient to use Executive summary: The Advanced Microbial Solutions Company is exploring a new approach to isolate novel organisms or gene from the environment for commercial exploitation. This approach is enabled by metagenomics, a high throughput capacity that can deal with the DNA extraction, sequencing and interpretation of microbial communities.

Introduction Cell Theory states that all living organism contain cells which are the basic unit of life. These cells contain certain organelles that perform specific functions. In order for Scientists to study these compartments, they isolated these organelles through the process of Cell Fractionation and certain enzymes are present in these organelles for it to be distinguished from one another. These enzymes are called Marker Enzymes Severe dilutional hyponatremia in a patient during hysteroscopic of intrauterine adhesion : A case report YE Yuzhu, LIN Lina Abstract Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure for the patients of intrauterin adhesion, but may result in potentially disastrous complication labeled transurethral resection of the prostate TURP syndrome.

Excessive absorption of large scale of distension media under high inflow pressure by openings of venous channels in endometrium, In recent studies, has been shown that parameters include serum levels of oxidative stress, copper, zinc, selenium and bone mineral density BMD play important role in Role of Vitamin E in prevention of human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma ESCC Kanwal Mazhar, Guiju Sun1 Abbreviations: ESCC, esophageal squamous cell carcinoma; Vit E, Vitamin E; RONS, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species; Abstract Vitamin E Vit E has enormous potential for cancer growth inhibition and cancer prevention. It has been studied widely for its anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous activity.

The objective of this review The Anti-viral and Anti-cancer effect of secondary metabolite extracts from sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota in vitro Abstract Sea cucumber is used as food purposes and traditional medicine in Asia and Middle East society. In this scientific study we try to examine antiviral effect of organic extracts, obtained from sea cucumber Holothuria leucospilota species against HIV For this reason, sea cucumber collected from meters depths, around Plant Lignin Introduction: Lignin positions second just to cellulose as the most abundant common item on earth. All things considered, it constitutes one of the biggest regular re-sources accessible to man. To date its utilization as a substance crude material has been constrained and where it can be found in significant amounts as a detached result of the mash and paper industry, it has to a The critical factor driving the growth in worldwide demand for joint replacement is obesity Kumar Anjan Contents Jump to Abstract: 1.

Introduction 2. Obesity — How can we define it? Surgical Risk: 4. Obesity and Implant Failure 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliography Abstract: During early days, obese individuals were often suggested to lose weight before undergoing total joint replacement TJR. It was common Although clinical and experimental studies suggest the involvement of protein misfolding, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction [4,5], the fundamental cause of the disease, its underlying mechanism remains elusive. The normal Due to this, it is essential that certain precautions are put in place in order to avoid the risk of infection and cross contamination. One of these precautions George Dion One Method to Cure Them All Imagine a world where the blind can see and where the crippled can walk.

Stem cells can make miracles like this a reality. Stem cells are cells which have no specific function, but have the ability to replace any type of cell in the human body when needed. There are two types of stem cells; embryonic An Introduction to Epilepsy Elliot Williamson Contents Jump to Introduction to Epilepsy Seizures Causes of Epilepsy Conclusion Index References Figures Appendix Introduction to Epilepsy Epilepsy is the oldest known brain disorder dating back as early as BC Cascino et al. It was first identified as a disease by Dr Jon EBOV is a member of the family Filoviridae in the order Mononegavirales, and so encodes its genome in single-stranded linear RNA in the negative orientation.

The genome is approximately 19 kb long, and encodes 7 open reading frames ORFs [29]. Foodborne botulism Botulism is one of the most fatal diseases in all over the world. However, it is rare, and caused by a nerve toxin which is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum C. botulinum and sometimes by strains of Clostridium butyricum and Clostridium baratii 3. There are five main kinds of botulism, which are foodborne botulism, wound botulism, infant botulism, adault intestinal toxaemia botulism and iatrogenic The influenza pandemic and cytokine storm Morens and Fauci states that the influenza pandemic killed million people worldwide was caused by an influenza virus which is a subtype of H1N1 virus.

Furthermore they outlines that the pandemic apparently arose to a new human host due to a genetic adaptation by an existing avian virus. In their thorough review of related studies Introduction Food products are formulated for taste, appearance, cost and convenience of the consumer. The composition of food products that confer a health benefit is a relatively new trend, and recognizes the growing acceptance of the role of diet in disease prevention, treatment and well-being. It is thus becoming increasingly clear that there is a strong relationship between the food we consume and our health. IR Sterilization Oven Mohamed Hossam Yahia Mohamed Introduction: Sterilization can be defined as a process which completely eliminates or kills microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, viruses and prions.

It can be used for many things such as equipment, food, surfaces, medications, and the most important field is the biological culture medium. Sterility is obtained by exposure of the substance that needs to be sterilized to Gemma Tue TAQ 1: Genes are sections of DNA deoxyribose nucleic acid. They are shorter than actual DNA strands and each one has code for a specific protein. It does this in setting the order the amino acids must join together. DNA carries the genetic coding which will give living things there characteristics. DNA is unique except for that of identical twins. Chromosomes are Bioinformatics analysis of the role of doxycycline in prostate cancer with microarray Running title: Roles of doxycycline in prostate cancer High lights: Significant pathways involved in the progression are analyzed.

PPI network was constructed and total common DEGs were identified. BUB1, MYC, IGF-1, CCNE2, CYP2E1 and ALDH3B2 were identified as key genes. Abstract Purpose: We aim to identify the key genes and pathways Drugs and naturally occurring toxin interacts with their target molecule at the receptor sites localized in the target molecules. The drug-receptor is highly specific as the drug only binds selectively to a particular receptor. The drug-receptor interacts via several chemical bonds such as covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and hydrophobic bonds Young et al. The drugs or toxins have to bind to their target molecules in Discussion Part A The number of dominant genes was constant from one generation to the next.

It remained at a number of 50 alleles considering that all Bengal tigers with the dominant allele H , survived to pass on the gene. On the other hand, the frequency of the dominant allele increased over the ten generations. The frequency of the dominant allele during the first generation was References www. org accessed 8 march www. com accessed 8 march www. uk accessed 8 march Cholera Consuming food or water contaminated with the bacterium Vibrio cholerae, causes acute diarrhoea and vomiting resulting in dehydration. Vibrio cholerae is usually found in impure water supplies unsanitary disposal of excrement and is spread to humans by drinking this contaminated water e.

vegetables irrigated by fresh sewage, Published Date: 17 Jan Identification ofpotential therapeutic target genes and mechanisms in colorectal cancer based on bioinformatics analysis Highlights: Totally, DEGs including 88 down- and 62 up-regulated genes were identified. Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction may be associated with CRC development. CXCL3 and IL8 may play roles in CRC progress by regulating TNF signaling pathway. PTGS2, CXCL3 and IL8 may be potential therapeutic target genes for CRC. Bile secretion-related genes Precautionary approach can be defined as the alternative approach or methodology that can be adopted or is developed if the conventional technology poses a threat to the well being of the society and is a potential agent of disturbing the balance of the ecosystem, thereby disturbing the biodiversity.

Precautionary principle can be defined as the step taken towards environmental risk management for situations that may arise The purpose of this review is to study ten different toxins and what changes they cause in the human body which will then lead to observable signs and symptoms. Naturally occurring toxins are obtained from organisms such as animals, plants Dolan et al. A medicine can either be natural or synthesized. Introduction: Measles are an infectious disease caused by the Morbilivirus genus of viruses. The history of measles can be recorded back to the early age of men when mankind was unaware of the disastrous effects of measles. With particular focus on the European countries of the current world, we can have an organized view of the natural course of measles outbreaks in the European region.

Maya Al Meer Abstract Some patients suffer from eye diseases such as cataract or glaucoma and many others that cause a decrease in their level of vision making it impossible for them to regain their normal eyesight; this is known as visual impairment. Low vision is a mix of severe visual impairment and moderate visual impairment. The patient shows a decrease in the David Hong Creative Scenario As a person diagnosed with the FOP disease, life is hard to live day by day. When I was first born, I had malformed big toes that were short and bent inward, and as a child my back felt stiff and I had difficulty crawling and moving around.

One day, I was running around the yard and fell on The Mutagenic and Developmental Effects of Radiation in Corn Zea mays Barrun, Neil Benedict Z. Institute of Chemistry-College of Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños College, Laguna ABSTRACT In this study, the effects of radiation at 0, 10, 30, and 50 krad were observed in the germination and development of the corn plant Zea mays for almost 5 weeks with each of the a As the snack food is made from meat, there are four types of bacteria that will possibly contaminate it which are Escherichia. coli, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus,and Listeria monocytogenes FSIS, coli is a bacterial that is usually present in the intestines of humans and animals.

Although, most of them are harmless as they play an important role in the intestinal tract of a healthy individual. Title: Proteomics has four branches that include sequence and structural proteomics, expression proteomics, interaction proteomics and functional proteomics. Provide one example for each branch and describe them briefly. Siti Shawati binti Wasli Introduction With the accomplishment of the Human Genome Project, the prominence is escalating to the protein compliment of the human organism. This has There is an increase in CO2 emissions caused by the industrial revolution and increasing number of factories. The high amount of emission causes a rise in free CO2 concentration [CO2] in air.

The effect of this increase on the ecosystem and plants is a subject of curiosity which has led to scientists trying to understand the effect of elevated [CO2]. The first experiment was made by Ismenia Panti Growth and Development September 9, Meiosis and Meiosis Introduction Meiosis and Mitosis are both a type of cell division. Mitosis occurs in somatic cells while meiosis occurs in gamete formation. The main purpose of mitosis is for growth and repair damage cells. In mitosis the cells Goh JiaYeen Introduction The isolation of Salmonella from a swine suffering from hog cholera was first reported in by Daniel E.

This isolated bacterium was first named as Bacillus cholerasuis, which is currently known as Salmonella enteric serovar Choleraesuis Bhunia, ; Li et al. Salmonella is known to be an important cause of a foodborne illness, known as salmonellosis, in humans However, this is underestimations of indigenous farm animals of developing countries are yet to be documented FAO, Hall, studied the two stage process to develop the enormous livestock biodiversity. Both theses stages involved genetic Joanna Tyson Unit 3 assignment. A look at the reasons for the decline in the bee population and what can be done to arrest and possibly reverse the situation. Why do we need bees? Bees are absolutely essential to humans, without their help many crops would fail. They pollinate crops by transferring pollen grains between the anther male germ cell and the stigma Hanin Al-geizi Plants require four simple things to live; water, warm temperature, light, minerals and most places that consist partly of these vital requirements, will be hospitable environments for plants.

The most important environmental factors to which plants must adapt are water availability, temperature change, sunlight, soil conditions and predation. For any plant to thrive and survive, each of these factors is vital, Large variability in populations of small pelagic fish species have been observed in global oceans Watanabe The flexibility in reproductive features of the spawning stock combined with environmental induced fluctuation in survival rate of offspring and overexploitation, can be the major reasons for such large variability in stocks of these species Ganias and relation between large scale climate alteration and these fluctuation known as Isobel Burton Explore the Effect of Drinking mg approx.

of Caffeine Coffee a Day on the Systolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure of Healthy Women. Abstract In this investigation into the effect that drinking mg of coffee a day has on the diastolic and systolic blood pressure of healthy women it became clear that the majority of women did not experience any increases of blood Dhayalini Yoginthran Antibiotic resistance is something that has been growing in the world, some might even say that we are entering or have already entered a post antibiotic world. It is currently one of the superior concerns in the 21st century, especially in regards to pathogenic microorganisms. Throughout the years, research had allowed for the development of first line antibiotics that were efficacious against Tuberculosis, one among the socio-economic burdens in the developing countries including India, is primarily found to be associated with poor hygiene, malnutrition and impaired immune system.

The multiple drug resistance in the causal organism i. Therefore, in What are stem cells? Stem cells are cells which has the ability to develop or differentiate into different cell types of the body during early stage of life and it can be differentiated into three types which are embryonic stem cells ESCs , adult stem cells ASCs and induced pluripotent stem cells iPSCs. These cells are important to renew old tissues and repair any damaged tissues in Lydia Roush Abstract Three crayfish of varying size and color were captured and examined in a fish tank for 10 hours. Aggressive, subordinate, feeding, and cleaning behaviors were recorded for each crayfish. Crayfish 1 was found to be the largest and most aggressive individual.

Crayfish 2 attempted aggressive behaviors with Crayfish 1 and Crayfish 3, and ate the most food. Crayfish 3, the smallest crayfish, had the Introduction Being studied in great detail, cell cycle is a highly complex and regulated process. It is also one of the most critical steps in the life span of a cell and the accuracy with which this process is carried out has a great impact on the existing cell and the fate of resulting daughter cells upon its completion. Based on how crucial the process is, There are two categories of animals used in this type of research, those that have the ability to vomit ferrets, dogs and cats , The body strives to maintain balance and therefore is constantly adjusting. Homeostasis is dynamic in this Assess one hypothesis of the origin of life: Life may have emerged from deep sea vents Introduction Fossil evidence confirms that life on Earth existed at least 3.

This rapid appearance of life is considered to be a remarkable event after the late heavy bombardment million years before, which had the potential to destroy any possible habitats suited to living organisms Establishment of adjusted prognosis analysis APA for initially diagnosed non-small cell lung cancer NSCLC with brain metastases in Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center Methods. This retrospective analysis included patients with initially diagnosed brain metastasis from NSCLC in Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center, China, from to Cox proportion hazard model was used to analyse survival.

Factors analyzed included patient characteristics, disease characteristics and treatments. In their natural state they are harmless, and only cause infection as a result of injury or body trauma. The infections commonly Title An investigation on the effects of varying light intensity on the photosynthetic rate in Spinacia oleracea spinach leaf slices. Introduction Like many molecular processes, the metabolic pathways of photosynthesis may be influenced by certain factors. These include, but are not limited to, light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and the presence of photosynthetic inhibitors. Light, in photon form, plays a pivotal role in the light-dependent reactions.

KHADIJA MAKDA [Explain the basis of Liquid-based Cytology LBC. Include in your essay reference to the automation of LBC and to the national cervical screening programme. Include in your essay reference to the automation of LBC and to the national cervical Identification of miRNAs and genes in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia using bioinformatic analysis Running title: miRNAs and genes in CIN Highlights: Total 21 feature miRNAs and feature mRNAs were identified. PBX1 and LAMC2 play important roles in the CIN. MiRp, miRa-5p and miRb were hub nodes in miRNA—mRNA regulatory network.

Abstract Aim: The objective of this study was to predict potential target genes and These are the coagulating enzymes used in cheese production, but rennet is widely used. It is the oldest method of producing cheese. Rennin is present in its prorennin form with There was common GATA3 target genes among the four cells 2. The common GATA3 target genes were mainly enriched in pathway related with cancer. The GATA3 target genes were identified, including ER1, FOXA1, AKR1C1 and LGALS1. Abstract: Objective Speedy along with effective organization of plant diseases in agriculture merchandise is usually achieved by the use of artificial pesticides and The Effect of Increasing Irradiation Dosage on the Rate of Growth and Germination of Corn Zea mays L.

Aguirre ABSTRACT The effects of mutation induced by irradiation to plants were determined. A plot with four hills of plants was planted and three hills of plants were exposed to radiation, 10 krad, 30 krad and 50 krad respectively. The height of the plants Objective: To formulate Paracetamol Tablets using Direct Compression DC method. Introduction: Direct compression is the most simple and economical method used in tableting. Excipients are added to the active pharmaceutical ingredient which is then thoroughly mixed before compression to form tablets.

Mollie Hilton TAQ1: 1 This particular sequence has been formed from the DNA strand by the first stage of protein synthesis, transcription. The RNA polymerase enters the nucleus, attaches to the DNA and begins transcription of nucleotides from the TATA box downstream, 5 prime to 3 prime. The polymerase opens and closes the complimentary base pairs of the DNA as it travels, copying codes He Liu Vampire squid from Hell Introduction The vampire squids are like from out of a midnight science fiction film.