In spite of this, legalization of medical cannabis essay cases of marijuana-related violence have been recorded so far in such states Markol, Because marijuana is still prohibited under federal law, researchers are faced by limitations in studying the substance. Create Flashcards. Marijuana Reform. As the above authors have stated, there is a need to legalize the use of marijuana in the medical field, and for conduction of scientific research. Log In Sign Up. Marijuana has not caused any notable negative effects in countries where it has been legalized.
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Whatever name you choose to refer to it by, Cannabis has sparked hot political debate all over the world but more so in America. Cannabis is used by approximately Like many other political debates, the arguments for and against the legalization of Cannabis are oft inspired by different individualistic interests. I am of the opinion that Cannabis should, in fact, be legalized. The legalization of Cannabis is long overdue for several reasons. First, Cannabis is a lesser evil compared to alcohol and tobacco. Secondly, Cannabis has been proven to have a variety of health benefits on the user.
Finally, the commercial sale of Cannabis may be good for the economy as the plant is used by a significant portion of the American population. As long as Cannabis remains illegal, millions of people will continue to be deprived of life-changing treatment. Cannabis has been proven to be as effective as a medication for various health issues. For instance, Cannabis helps improve appetite in AIDS and cancer patients. It is also good for clinical depression, especially in Cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Unlike alcohol, Cannabis is non-toxic to healthy cells and organs in the body, legalization of medical cannabis essay.
At least deaths in the United States are linked to the use of alcohol and related illnesses Patel et al. Furthermore, excessive consumption of alcohol is bad for the nervous system, legalization of medical cannabis essay. Consuming alcohol in excessive amounts may cause unconsciousness, coma, and death in extreme cases. This figure is even higher than the legalization of medical cannabis essay of global deaths related to violence, Tuberculosis, and AIDS. On the other hand, Cannabis contains compounds called cannabinoidswhich are not toxic to humans Patel et al. Also, Cannabis does not cause a fatal overdosewhich is associated with alcohol.
Alcohol is also associated with aggression and injury, legalization of medical cannabis essay Cannabis. The same case is true for tobacco, which is associated with lung cancer and breathing difficulties. The health benefits of using Cannabis can be realized even when Cannabis is smoked in extremely small quantities. Despite the failure by the Senate to legalize Cannabis, Americans and scientists agree that there are numerous benefits to be reaped from the use of Marijuana. So far, Cannabis has been legalized in 29 statesbut there is a need to legalize its use in all the states Pyke, Doctors legalization of medical cannabis essay some states are already prescribing Medicinal Cannabis to registered patients who only sing praises for the plant.
Even though patients react differently to Cannabis, it is a widely proven fact that most of these reactions are beneficial to the health of patients. Apart from evoking feelings of happiness and suppressing cramps, medicinal Cannabis is also known to kill anxiety and cancer cells. The fear that medicinal Cannabis will be misused is uncalled for because ideally, patients who wish to use the medicine must be registered legally. According to Patel et al. Furthermore, patients with chronic pain demonstrated a significant reduction in their pain symptoms after using Cannabis Patel et al, Since the benefits of Cannabis use have been observed in a significant percentage of patients, it is necessary to legalize Cannabis so that patients who choose it can access the medicine easily.
The economic benefits of legalizing Cannabis will be realized both by the sellers and the state in terms of revenue. Furthermore, the product created at least 18, jobs for legalization of medical cannabis essay people of Colorado Pyke, The revenue generated from the sale of legal Cannabis is substantial enough to help improve the lives of the people, including feeding and sheltering the homeless. According to Flynn, the legal Cannabis industry is the fastest growing industry in the United States of America Flynn, All these statistics point to the fact that legal Cannabis would boost the economy significantly. Cannabis should be legalized for nationwide recreational and medicinal use, legalization of medical cannabis essay.
Legalized cannabis use holds many benefits for users and non-users alike, legalization of medical cannabis essay. Medically, legalizing the use of cannabis will help alleviate the pain of people suffering from chronic conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, and arthritis. Resources: 1. Crockett, Zachary. Alan, Pyke. Patel S, Williams, Wallace. Flynn B. There have been definite development-related effects from legalization. Business Publications. Home About Us Watch Read. Facebook-f Twitter Instagram Youtube Pinterest. BusinessNorth AmericaPolitics. Legalization of Cannabis: Argumentative Essay. August 14, No Comments. Share on facebook. Share on twitter. Share on linkedin. About Latest Posts. Custom Writings. This is just a sample of our professionally legalization of medical cannabis essay essays.
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For instance, Charlotte Figi, who is now aged 10, used to have more than seizures every month at age three, but since Colorado legalized medicinal and recreational marijuana, her parents started treating her with the substance, and today her seizures have significantly reduced Noonan, Marijuana has as well been proven to reduce nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Owing to this medicinal value, state governments should consider legalizing the drug. Additionally, marijuana has been proven to be a stress reliever. Consumption of the drug causes excitement among its users enabling them to forget about troubling situations. Unlike alcohol which is likely to aggravate stress and depression, marijuana works wonders in alleviating anxiety and depression Sanger, There are many health and social effects associated with stress, including mental disorders and violence against others Sanger, To avoid cases of stress-related violence and mental disorders, state governments should make marijuana consumption legal.
There are many misconceptions about marijuana in the world today. People have continued to ignore the health benefits linked with this substance and have instead focused on citing yet-to-be proven misconceptions. Owing to the ability of the drug to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals, governments should seriously consider its legalization. The legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from sustaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption. So far, there is more than enough evidence proving that marijuana has lots of benefits to individuals, the society, and the government, and therefore should be legalized.
Head, T. Markol, T. Marijuana Reform. Noonan, D. Scientific American. Owen, P. New York Times. Sanger, B. Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society. There are many misconceptions about marijuana existent in the modern world. People have continued to ignore health benefits linked to this substance citing their unproven beliefs. Owing to its ability to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals governments should highly consider marijuana legalization. Its legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from maintaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption. com is a leading academic writing service that is dedicated to providing extra support and help to students all over the world.
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